Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up and took Elena out of her crib, it was time to feed her. I crawled back into bed with Elena in my arms. It didn't feel weird to breastfeed Elena in front of Tanner anymore, I had gotten comfortable with it. Tanner rolled over and rubbed Elena's bald little head. He smiled. Tanner turned on the t.v. and asked me what I wanted to watch. He turned on Netflix and we watched The Vampire Diaries. 

After we binge watched TVD, we decided to get changed and go shopping. We went to the mall and it was massive, it had Gucci, Louis Vitton, Chanel, Dior and Versace. Tanner bought me a diamond necklace from Kay's and another necklace with his name on it from Tiffany's. We went in to Dior and bought Elena a cute outfit. She wore a cute romper to the mall and it was the cutest thing ever. 

We shopped for about 4 hours and then we decided to go get some lunch. We ended up eating at Red Lobster cause I was craving crab legs and Tanner was craving shrimp. We got Elena to try some new foods to see how she liked it and she was happy. She loved the taste of seafood, but she was more interested in the biscuits. After we finished eating, we decided to walk around some more. I let Tanner hold Elena because my arms were getting tired from holding her all day. He looked so cute holding her. We wanted dessert so we stopped by Sweet Frog and got some frozen yogurt. Elena tried my fruit fro-yo and liked it, then she tried Tanner's and went back to mine, it's a good thing I got a extra large bowl. 

It was getting dark, so we decided to head back to the hotel. We went for a walk on the beach with Elena. We sat on the edge of the shore just relaxing. Elena fell asleep in Tanner's arms while I wrapped mine around him. He is such a great dad to Elena, I wouldn't want anyone else to be her father than him. We sat there on the shore for a few more minutes and then decided to go back to the room. 

I put Elena down to sleep while I got in the shower. A few minutes later Tanner joined me. "Is Elena still asleep?" I asked. "She's sound asleep." he replied with a smile. He started kissing my neck and it started to turn me on. I kissed him as he slowly grabbed my butt. He held me up and put me against the wall of the shower. He stuck himself in me and thrusted hard, it felt so good. Hot sex in the shower was my weakness and he knew that. 

After we got out of the shower, he laid me on the bed and we went for round two. He kept going and going, harder and harder. We both came and it felt so good. The next morning, I woke up and Elena was still sound asleep. I rolled over and found Tanner's side of the bed empty. I started panicking, where could he have gone? I grabbed Elena and headed downstairs, still in our pajamas. Tanner was in the lobby getting us food, how romantic. I walked over to him and kissed him. He took Elena and started cradling her and smiling. 

A few days later, we got home from our vacation. Tanner went to take a nap and put Elena to sleep. All of a sudden I started to feel sick. I ran to the bathroom, closed the door and opened the toilet seat. I was in there for what seemed like forever. Tanner woke up and realized I wasn't next to him until he heard me in the bathroom. He opened the door and sat on the floor next to me while he held my hair up. After I finished throwing up, he went to the nearest drug store and picked up some pregnancy tests. 

Tanner arrived and handed me the tests, I went into the bathroom and went to do the tests. I waited a few minutes, and what I saw on that little screen changed my life forever. Tanner was getting worried that I hadn't come out of the bathroom yet. He knocked on the door and asked if I was okay. I had laid the tests on the edge of the sink and started crying. Tanner came in and saw me. I told him to look at the tests, they were all positive. He smiled.

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