Chapter Seven

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Finally the day we have been waiting for, our WEDDING DAY! I couldn't contain all the excitement. I get to marry the man I love today. I can't wait to say "I do."

I woke up that morning thinking how today was going to be perfect. I eat a healthy breakfast and then call my girls. They rush over with many different beauty products. I have all of them directed for each specific task: Hannah on hair, Claire on makeup, and I had Anna doing my bridesmaid's makeup and hair. Today was going so great. I got a text from Tanner, "Good Morning, my beautiful fiance. I can't wait to see your gorgeousness walk down the isle and into my hands. I have waiting so long for this day. I love you so much." He is literally the sweetest guy in the whole world.

When the girls had finished my hair and makeup, it was time for the dress. It was a beautiful white gown that was hand made down to every bead. My grandmother came in and put on my veil that had been in our family for generations. My mom wore it at her wedding and every female ever since before her had worn it at theirs. It was beautiful and it went perfect with my dress. I walked over to the mirror and I suddenly didn't see the teenage girl I used to know. I now see a grown woman.

I heard my granddad walking up the stairs telling me it was time. He walked me down the stairs of our huge house. I tensed up, I was nervous. "Hey, everything is going to be alright." he said, trying to comfort me. We got closer to the doors and I could hear the music. The bridesmaids looked beautiful as they were accompanied by their handsome men. When the last bridesmaid walked in, my little cousin, Chloe, walked in as she dropped little white rose petals behind her, leaving a trail for me. My cousin, Grayson walked behind her carrying our wedding rings. Then it was finally my turn.

At the first strike of the piano, everyone knew I was coming. Everyone stood up and turned to the back to face me as I walked in. "A Thousand Years" started playing as I walked in. Tanner saw me and started crying. I started crying after I saw him, but he smiled. His best man, Shawn tried to comfort him. He looked so handsome. When I finished walking, I was handed over to Tanner. Tanner took me by the hand and pulled me closer. I wiped the tears from his face and smiled at him. "You look so beautiful." he said. I couldn't help but start to cry again.

We turned towards the minister as he read from the bible, "dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness the bonding between these two before me. I ask you each now, to repeat the marriage vows. He turned towards me. "I, Allison Taylor, take you, Tanner Hall, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do us part." Tanner smiled.

We both said our vows perfectly, but ended up crying at the end. We exchanged rings. Then, the minister said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you make now kiss the bride." Tanner swung me down and kissed me, a strong and intimate kiss. I can't believe I just married the love of my life. I am so happy I could just scream.

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