Chapter Twelve

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Well later that night, I felt Elena kick and this time it hurt more than it usually did. I screamed really loud to the point where it woke Tanner up panicking. He started freaking out asking if I was alright, but I wasn't. He picked me up took me to the car and drove off to the hospital. (We previously packed clothes and baby stuff the night before and packed them in the car, so we were ready to go.)

We got to the hospital and Tanner yelled for a nurse. Little did he know, I was going into labor. I started yelling and hurting to the point where I wanted to get up and run to the delivery room, but I couldn't so I stayed in the wheelchair in pain. 

The nurse finally came and took me to the delivery room. Tanner picked me up from the wheelchair and laid me on the hospital bed. I cried so much from the pain. The nurse gave me epidural shots to numb the pain a little. It was 3:25 a.m. and we were waiting for little Elena to appear. Finally, at 4:01 a.m. she arrived. She was so beautiful. She was 8 lbs and 13 oz. She was as healthy as can be. Tanner was such a proud dad, he held her and never wanted to let go or put her down. When he handed her to me, I was in awe. This tiny baby was all mine. I made her. Her tiny little hands and feet left me breathless. I couldn't believe she made it. 

Tanner stayed in the hospital room with me, he crawled into the hospital bed and cuddled me into his arms. The love of my life was perfect, I couldn't ask for anyone better. 

They brought Elena in the room with me and I held her for what seemed like forever. It felt like we bonded right then. She looked me in the eyes and suddenly I saw her grown up and happy with us. I couldn't wait to see her and see what the future has for the three of us. Her little hand wrapped around my finger. 

I had to stay in the hospital for a week because I passed out and didn't wake up for 2 days. My blood sugar was low and I hadn't eaten anything the whole day cause I was too focused on Elena to eat anything. If everything goes right the next few days, I can go home by next Monday. 

I got to feed her, but she didn't like bottle feeding, so the nurses helped me breast feed her. It felt really weird and I didn't want Tanner to see me doing it cause it felt awkward for him to see me feeding her. After I fed her, Tanner walked in, he was so happy to see her. I loved him and he loved being a dad. 

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