Chapter 6; The Trip

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  They entered a large grey room, with what looked like a window, that took place of one of the four walls. All there was for light was light panels on the walls and around the window. Leia and Luke had never been in this room, this was their first time traveling. There were rows of stormtroopers guarding them, and one walked up to Leia and asked if she needed help carrying the boxes. She let him carry two of the three boxes she was holding. Luke on the other hand was carrying four boxes. Shyma and Anakin were holding two clothing bags each. In front of them was a big, grey, imperial shuttle.

  Luke knew this shuttle. He had seen it many times, through the window, in the bedroom he shared. He decided it was his father’s, because Luke only saw it when he was leaving. He drew many pictures of the ship. He never told his father about this, though he wanted to.

  The Imperial shuttle opened to create a ramp for them to walk on. The stormtrooper carefully set down the boxes he had been carrying. Anakin thanked the trooper for helping out and picked up the boxes, then he walked back to his post, with the other stormtroopers. Leia and Luke rarely see stormtroopers, for they stay in the living quarters, most of the time.

  When they entered the ship there was a big cockpit ahead with two pilots. They turned to see two rows of six seats facing each other. Behind each row is two mattresses, just enough for each person to have their own. Luke and Leia were happy when they saw that there was a refresher, or bathroom. They sat down what they had been carrying in the middle of the shuttle.

  The girls strode to the mattresses, hoping to finish making the beds before night. Meanwhile, Luke and his father walked towards the pilots, in the cockpit.

  The copilot turned to face Anakin, “Are you in rush sir?” He asked, for they weren’t planning on leaveing untill next week.

  “No,” Anakin said, politly, “we were just ready early.”

  “Okay, sir.” He responded

  Luke rarly sees his father, because he’s always busy. He wanted to ask him a million questions, but most of them involved his mother, so he stayed quiet.

 “You know I used to be a pilot.” Anakin told his son.

  “Really?” Luke had wanted to be a pilot.

“Yeah, but I haven’t drove anything since,” Anakin paused to think, “ you and your sister were born.”

  The cockpit went silent for a moment, then Luke noticed this was a perfect time to ask some questions.

  “What was Mom like?” Luke finaly got to ask.

  “Well,” His father answered with thought, “ she had long brown hair that she styled in a different way every day, each hairstle with a matching outfit.” Luke lisened intensly, “ However my faverite of her outfits, was a yellow summer dress, with the hairstyle of two small buns on each side of her head.” They both paused and looked at Leia, who always wore a similar hairstyle.

  “That’s why you love Leia’s yellow summer dress.” Luke said smiling.

  “Leia constantly reminds me of your mother.” Anakin continued. “Although, you remind me of myself. But I’d do anything to prevent you from growing up to be me.” He concluded.

  With that, Luke walked towards his sister, not knowing what to think. She smiled as he approached her. Then it faided.

  “What’s with the look?” She asked.

  “I,” He paused, “ I have no idea what just happened.”

  “Tell me later, okay?” Leia wanted to get in to her night gown.

  “Okay,”Luke responded.

  Leia walked in to the bathroom to get changed, and Shyma went towards Luke. She told him, that it’s most likely he’s going to live most of his life on Naboo, so he should find some new friends. Luke wanted to aask why his father chose Naboo, but he had a feeling it had something to do with his mother.

  Leia walked out of bathroom, wearing a long, deep purple, nightgown. She realeased her long hair from it’s normal state, and curled it. Anakin had never seen it like that. When Padme went to bed, she curled her hair too. He can’t stop thinking about her, and the promise he made thirteen years ago.

  “It’s bedtime guys,” Shyma said.

  “Whyy,” Luke moaned.

  “When you wake up, we’ll be there.” Anakin said making the room fill with excitment.

  After Leia and Luke fell asleep, Shyma went up to Anakin and asked a question quietly. “Do you love me?”


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