Chapter 4; The Bedtime Story

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  Luke and Leia quickly got in bed when they were told, their father will tell them a bedtime story, for
usually Shyma read to them.

  Vader sat down on the beautiful red rocking chair, remembering how the room had looked. “A long
time ago, your mother and I secretly got married, because Jedi weren’t allowed to get marri-”

  “You’re a jedi?” Luke asked.

  “Yes, wel-” Vader tried to explain.

  “Why couldn’t Jedi get married?” Leia questioned.

  “I don’t know, but what about we continue the story, okay?”

  “Okay,” Leia and Luke answered.

  “As I was saying, most of the nightmares Jedi have, tell them horrible truth of the future.
I always had nightmares of your mother dying while giving birth to you gu-”

  “Isn’t that how she died?” Luke loved asking questions.

  “We’ll see, so the Chancellor said there was a way to stop that from happening. He said
using the dark side of the force I may be able to bring her back.”

  “You're on the Dark Side?” Luke whispered to himself

  “So I joined him, hoping I could bring back Padme, your mother. My old trainer / friend came to
battle me on the volcanic planet, Mustafar. We fought by clashing our lightsabers over the lava”

  “Wow, did you win?” Luke asked

  “Not exactly, he cut my arms and legs off, and left me to die in the lava.”

  “But you’re still alive, right? Luke was confused.

  “Well, yes, the Chancellor turned out to be the Dark Lord, Emperor Palpatine. He put me in
this armour and gave me the name, Darth Vader.

 “Told you sis, he’s a bad gu-”

  “What makes you say that?” Vader asked, not wanting his children to think of him like that.

  “You wear black, you fought your best friend, and we are living in a star destroyer! I mean what kind
of name is that!” With that Luke stormed out of the room.

  “Wait Luke," Vader said, "I’m just getting to the good part.”

  “Anni, I'll go get him.” Shyma said smiling.

  When she said that, the greatest ideas popped into Vader’s head.

  “No," She turned around to face him, "Shyma let me get him.” Vader knew exactly what to do.

  Vader found Luke crying on the soft, dark grey couch, and sits down next to him.

  “So, I was just thinking about what you said. You’re not wrong Luke.” Vader said, “ You know, I
like my other name better. If anyone asks, my name is Anakin Skywalker.”

  “Okay, Daddy, I’m sorry for running off. Please continue your story.” Luke and his father started walking
towards Luke and Leia’s room. When they enter, Anakin notices the alarm clock reads, “7:14”.

  “Sorry kids, it’s bedtime-” Anni gets cut off by his moaning children, “Don't worry, I’ll continue the story later.”

  As Anakin exits the room, he suddenly turns around to his daughter speaking. “Daddy, I don’t think
you’re a bad guy. I think you’re a nice guy who has made some horrible mistakes and is trying  to make up
for them, by being the best dad ever.”

  “Thank you Leia.” Anni turns to see that Shyma is tearing up in the corner of the room. He holds the
door open for her. She walks through, then he exits behind her, and closes the door quietly.

  “Oh, Anni.” Shyma gives him a big hug. He hadn’t had a hug like this in ages. Not since he said goodbye to his
mother and began his life as a jedi. He thought about the promise he made. “I promise.” He said to himself. He
knew Leia and Luke would become Jedi. But how?


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