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A number which Athena had come to resent flashed across the screen of her latest high tech phone, the same number she had declined repeatedly for the last few days, which she did yet again. Perhaps confronting the red haired spy was an impulsive decision but the blonde haired goddess was bored and it had been the highlight since she had come back down to earth. The consequences of that decision however were proving to be more than annoying. The same ten digits were etched into her head, useless information that she would now never forget. She had blocked the number numerous times but that was merely a small speed bump for the people on the other side of the line, who could correct that in minutes.

She was tempted to throw the phone out of the moving vehicle that she was currently situated inside, along with Pepper, Tony and Happy, who was driving the car through the busy streets of Monaco. She had forgotten about the trip but that didn't mean she wasn't looking forward to it, it was the nearest thing to a vacation she was going to get. A smile crept onto her lips as she remembered when she first heard about the trip to Monaco.

After the drama in the courtroom, Athena, Pepper and Rhodey made a point of ushering Tony into the private plane, to get him away from further politicians and prevent further drama. Athena was sitting across from Rhodey and had been quite rudely pushed into the seat by Tony, who was adamant about sitting as far away from her. He knew the minute she looked him in the eyes his nonchalant attitude would evaporate in seconds and he would have the fear of god put in him by the furious look she had nailed down to a tee within seconds. He couldn't have that, hence the forced distance.

"Tell him to apologize for ambushing me." Tony demanded Pepper, who sitting across from him.

He had been unprepared for Rhodey's appearance and was quite frankly annoyed by it. Tony put his feet up on the table between himself and Pepper and couldn't help but wince as he felt the glare that was being directed at him from Athena. Even without looking at her, he could feel her chilling glare, he was very familiar with them after the years of working with her. His theory of distance wasn't working, he was already terrified.

"I ambushed you?" Rhodey repeated, shocked at Tony's accusation. He swirled around in his chair to look at Tony, incredulously.

"Yes." Tony confirmed, nodding as both Pepper and Athena remained silent, watching the two best friends fight between themselves.

"I sent you a report a month ago with red letters on the top of it saying-"

"Did not." Tony interrupted, dismissing the idea entirely.

"Tony please fact check." Rhodey snapped, fed up of his friend's arrogant behavior.

"You received it." Pepper confirmed, looking at Tony not amused by his behavior in the slightest.

"I didn't get that!" Tony exclaimed, desperately trying to deny it.

"It was on your desk." Pepper informed him, clearly bored with the conversation.

"Oh, please! Like I remember." Tony huffed, leaning back in his seat so he can relax. He was done with the conversation, or so Athena thought until he started talking again. "That's not fair, 'cause you know I wouldn't remember even if I did."

Tony took his feet off the table and turned to face Rhodey, catching the bored look on Athena's face as he did so. "Have you apologized yet?"

"I wouldn't hold my breath." Rhodey snipped back, frustrated.

"This would be a good time." Tony coaxed, trying to get the apology out from him. "I'm supposed to be Iron Man and you're meant to have my back. And I got out of the game and that left a vacuum and now you're with Hammer and I'm sorry!"

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