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Athena couldn't find any evidence that Hermes and Aphrodite stuck around after the Benefit Ball, and she couldn't help the anxiety she felt knowing that Aphrodite couldn't keep a secret for her life. She was like an excited puppy, once shown any attention and her mouth keeps going. Athena kept her worries to herself as she walked into the living room of Tony's Malibu mansion, and turned on the high tech television. Instantly the news turned on, and Athena's attention was caught be the familiar name. Gulmira.

"The 15-mile hike to the outskirts of Gulmira can only be described as a descent into hell, into a modern day Heart of Darkness."

Athena mournfully watched the farmers, their animals and the people of Gulmira hiked, cursing Obadiah Stane in her head.

"Simple farmers and herders from peaceful villages have been driven from their homes, displaced from their lands by warlords emboldened by a new-found power. Villagers have been forced to take shelter in whatever crude dwellings they can find in the ruins of other villages, or here in the remnants of an old Soviet smelting plant."

Athena listened to the harsh sounds of guns, reminiscing back to the days when wars were fought with a sword and shield.

"Recent violence has been attributed to a group of foreign fighters referred to by locals as the Ten Rings. As you can see, these men are heavily armed and on a mission. A mission that could prove fatal to anyone who stands in their way. With no political will or international pressure, there's very little hope for these refugees. Around me, a woman begging for news on her husband, who was kidnapped by insurgents, either forced to join their militia..."

Athena head snapped up at the sound of something falling in the workshop, but didn't move figuring that it was only Tony and that he probably had knocked something over in his sleepless state.

"Desperate refugees clutch yellowed photographs, holding them up to anyone who will stop. A child's simple question, "Where are my mother and father?" There's very little hope for these refugees, refugees who can only wonder who, if anyone, will help."

Athena stood up in surprise at the sound of broken glass, hurrying down to the workshop to investigate. As she descended the stairs, she frowned at the shattered glass that covered the ground. Looking to where the glass prevented unwanted visitors from entering the shop, she found none. Athena stepped through the empty panes and found Tony sitting on the couch, the same news report that she was watching on his television. She gestured to the shattered glass, as he glanced at her. "Care to explain?"

"Not really, no." Tony mumbled, looking lost in thought.

Athena sighed but didn't push it, figuring he had enough on his mind without her nagging at him. "I have a meeting I have to go to. I trust you won't get yourself killed while I'm gone?"

"I think I can last a day without you." Tony smirked, twirling a screwdriver through his fingers.

"I don't think you could tie your shoelaces without me." Athena retorted, amused at the man in front of her.

"I'd last a week."

"Really?" Athena looked at him skeptically, but decided to humor him. "I guess we'll see then."


Athena was waiting for an agent to show up, humoring Phil's request. She sat in her apartment, which she hadn't been in for a while. She was beginning to feel curious about this meeting, but it was till an inconvenience to her. Just as she was beginning to give up, a firm knock on the door sounded through her apartment. Athena grabbed her handbag and opened the door, and was met with a bored looking man. Athena looked at his body language and laughed. "Playing errand boy today, are we?"

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