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The wind blew in his ears as he free fell from the sky, which had quite the sobering effect. Tony Stark powered up his blasters and felt content as gained control of his movements instead of falling through the sky without any direction. Fireworks, different shades of red and yellow, he realized may not have been the best idea as he failed to dodge one. Really it didn't bother him, all it done was create a more dramatic burst of sparks for his audience down below. With more determination, he powered up his blasters again and with more precision, he dodges the numerous fireworks that were being shot into the sky in honor of him. As he came closer to the stadium, a smirk stretched his lips at the sound of cheers coming from the audience for him. Perfect.

He swooped down into the stadium, landing in a perfect position that was perfectly dramatic and just breathed superhero. With a smile that no one could but only sense, he stood up straight and threw his armored arms into the air as his background dancers began their choreographed dance along with the dramatic sparklers behind him. Lights flashed around the stadium accordingly and cheers were more than deafening, but what more would you expect from Tony Stark? The stadium in Flushing was packed to it's brim, it was opening night of the Stark Expo, so this was nothing but an expectation from everyone.

An undetected presence watched the show from backstage as the Iron Man held his arms out in the familiar cocky way that he always did and will do. The platform which Tony was standing on began it's twist and the hand built robots personally built by Tony himself disassembled the suit. As the helmet was taken off, Tony blinked at the sudden bright lights that were flashing around but quickly composed himself to smile charmingly at the crowd there to see him. Once the suit was safely put away, Tony continued with his infamously charming smile as he waved at the crowd before taking a cocky bow in his designer suit. Looking behind him at the dancers, he raised an eyebrow at the outfits, he had forgotten about those.

Waiting until the dancers were finished their dance, Tony clapped along with the audience for them. Holding his arms up in the infamous position, he turned around to his audience and quickly got in character, the character he was famous before.

"It's good to be back." Tony sighed happily, his smile widened a fraction more. "You missed me?"

"Blow something up!" A man in the audience yelled, clear enthusiasm evident in his demand, speaking over Tony who had said; "I missed you too."

However Tony didn't miss the demand and looked around him in equal enthusiasm for the person who yelled at him. "Blow something up? I already did that."

He pointed at the man who had yelled at him with a smug grin before beginning his prepared speech that he procrastinated until the last minute. "I'm not saying that the world is enjoying its longest period of uninterrupted peace in years because of me."

Tony allowed a pause in his speech for the cheers that left the crowd. With his hands behind his back, he slowly moved around the stage in a calm manner. "I'm not saying that from the ashes of captivity, never has a greater phoenix metaphor been personified in human history."

He held out his hands again and took a small bow again as the crowd cheered. "I'm not saying that Uncle Sam can kick back on a lawn chair, sipping on an iced tea because I haven't come across anyone who's man enough to go toe-to-toe with me on my best day."

"I love you Tony!" A woman cried out from the crowd, making Tony internally wince. He wished he had heard those words come from another woman's mouth, a certain blonde haired woman's mouth.

"Please, it's not about me." Tony deflected, shocking many people backstage. Of course, it was all about him. The presence backstage moved further back into the shadows, now thoroughly engaged with the show. "It's not about you. It's not even about us. It's about legacy. It's about what we choose to leave behind for future generations. And that's why for the next year and for the first time since 1974, the best and brightest men and women of nations and corporations the world over will pool their resources, share their collective vision, to leave behind a brighter future. It's not about us. Therefore, what I'm saying, if I'm saying anything, is welcome back to the Stark Expo."

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