Bad Dreams

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(You have nightmares and Tom comforts you)


{I might step back, or go too far, but I'll wait for you right here.}

Your in a banquet hall of some kind, surrounded by doors with glass paneling and crazy orange and blue colors.  Your looking through your own eyes as you navigated through the multiple colorful doors, peeking inside each one.  Some being empty like the classrooms in elements schools, others full of people.  You look through one, spotting Tom, lounged in a dark blue beanbag, leaning in to kiss an orange haired, skinny, pale girl as she rises from his lap and walks away.  You enter, throwing the door open, feeling tears down your cheeks as you walk towards him, his bored eyes staring into yours. 

"Please come back!"  You beg, feeling the tears down your cheeks. 

Tom could hear your whimpers from the library in his home.  You had gone to bed a few hours ago, sleeping soundly until now.  It was every now and then you had nightmares, sometimes you'd scream and scare the hell out of him, ripping him from sleep to wake you from a night terror....others you'd cry, something sad happening and cutting you deep.  You'd only have those kinds of dreams when he didn't come to bed with you at the same time, he'd noticed, fear and anxiety didn't sleep you well.

He sighs in worry, combing a hand through his hair, glancing at his watch, the time showing 1:29am.  He was working in the library, getting things done he couldn't get done tomorrow, but work could wait.  He actually felt tired more and more as he made his way down the hall towards the bedroom. He gently pulls the handles, creeping inside the large, dark bedroom, closing the door behind him.
"You're not my type,". He shrugs, rolling his eyes as he tried to occupy himself with anything other than you.  It hurt, his words, going straight to your chest causing the spot within to ache. 

"Can we please talk?"  You beg, hoping he'd agree.  You suddenly found yourself within one of the classrooms.  Surrounded by empty desks and chairs, a chalkboard on the far wall. 
To, tiptoed across the bedroom, dodging the small bits of furniture about the room, sliding out of his casual wear, leaving him in boxers to sleep in,  He stood by the bed, gazing sown at your shaking body, sobs racking it and tears running down onto the white pillow cases, leaving wet puddles.  He sighed, turning on the lamp beside your side of the bed, kicking in light.  Tom sits on the edge of the bed, leaning over to attempt in gently shaking  you awake.
"I can fix it, what did I do wrong?  I'll fix it a promise, I'll do whatever you want, I'll change, I'll be nicer, I'll be good all the time-"

"We aren't together anymore, I'm sorry,". Thor says bored. 

"But I can fix it, I can fix it, I promise, please don't do this to me-"

"Look, we are just friends."  He says firmly.  Shaking you to the core.  You felt your shoulders shake and sobs wreck you even more as he disappeared, leaving you in the empty classroom all by yourself.  You held your sides, sitting onto a student desktop, and crying to yourself.

That's when you woke up.  Sitting up straight, looking at Tom with big y/e/c eyes.  They were lined with tears, tainted red with exhaustion, your nose stuffy and you felt like the skin under your eyes was being pulled tight.  That's when it hit you that it was just a dream, Tom loved you dearly, and he proved that everyday, never wanting to release your hand or you get too far away from his arm around your waist.

"Oh, y/n, darling," He says, opening his arms, as you scramble into his lap.  You wrap your arms over his neck, tucking your head in his chest and bringing your knees up under his arm.  He holds you, cradling you on the edge of the bed, kissing your forehead and soothing the ragged breaths the dream left behind. 

"Tell me about it, darling,". He whispers, still cradling you, as he began to rock you gently.

"You had left me...for someone else.  Told me I wasn't your type, and that we were just friends." You say, your bottom lip quivering at the memory.  "The other girls was so much skinnier and prettier and taller and-"

"But she wasn't you," Tom interrupts sternly.  Passing his rocking to soothe your hair and wipe a tear trailing down your cheek.  "You are all I want, my darling.  I love you more than anything.  I'm not going anywhere from you anytime soon, I'm here for good...". He pauses, thinking off and smiling.  "Your stuck with me,". He chuckles at his little joke.  You laugh with him, but your heart fluttering at his reassuring words. 

Knowing he's yours and your his, makes the bad dreams wash away within seconds.  You uncurled a hand from your chest, running it beneath his beaded jaw, running it through the fluffiness of how he had let it grow out.  You smiled, quite liking it on him, it made him look more mature and sexy if you were honest.  He tilted his head down at you. 

"Do you feel better, love?"  He whispers, leaning down to kiss the top of your nose.

"Yes, thank you, Tom,". You whisper back.  He still stayed very close to your face still.  A small smile tugging at his lips, matching the one you still had on your face.  You lean up to meet his warm lips as he does the same, responding gently as he laid you back down in bed, pulling away to cover you with the duvet. 

"One second, Love,". He says with a chuckle, turning out the lamp, and walking to his side if the bed to get in.  Pulling the sheets over himself as he pulled your body into his, being the big spoon, warping protective arms around you.

"I'll be leaving around 2 tomorrow, darling, I have some interviews to do.  I'll be home in time for dinner,". He says sleepily.  You smile, bringing your arms up to link with him, shutting your eyes contently.

"Not a problem, babe.  I'll have your favorite ready,". You yawn.  The last thing you hear was Tom's chuckle as you drifted off to sleep. 


Kinda short, but I thought it'd be cute 😙

Haven't been on the Imagines for a while, I was writing a new Loki x  Reader fanfic, {China Doll} and i, gonna put some more chapter on the other Loki x Reader fanfic I have {Cold} soon.  I'm sticking around tho, I might do a smut for the next one

Basically I'm trying to keep up with all 3 bc I don't wanna lose interest in writing them😂

Hope ya enjoyed!

👇🏻Any requests?  Leave belows!👇🏻


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