Magnets (💛)

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*Requested: XxMissStarkxX



Also, I accidentally published an imagine last night called 'west coast' it's not finished yet I'm sorry, I had to unpublish it 😂 my finger fumbled writing and bam it was published.

(You were adopted into the house of Odin, making them your new family. However, as you grow older, you start to develop a rather complex attraction to Loki, your brother....little did you know, the god of mischief held a liking to you as well...)

*Edited* [July 3]


{Let's embrace the point of no return...}

In the beginnning, it was a sisterly/brotherly kind of thing:

When Thor was off fighting and training, you and Loki stayed behind to learn magic with Frigga and play in the gardens when mother and father we're too busy too care about studies. Loki was your only friend, and you his. Thor and his friends were loud and craved battle even at 8 years old, which scared you with their yells and clashing of weapons.

Epescially when Thor learned he could channel lighting and liked to scare you with it to no end...but you still loved him as your brother at the end of the day no doubt. Whenever you and Loki would go anywhere, he would grab your hand, and walk hand in hand with you to your destination...but it was harmless.

Then it became a childish crush:

Big green eyes, soft raven hair, a witty attitude and clever with strategy, 16 year old Loki was a force to reckon with. He was a quick learner with his magic, and surpassed you long ago when it came to sorcery and illusions.  But the two of you still stayed together everywhere you went, holding hands and kissing cheeks, and caresses of the arms. 

When he would be busy learning advanced magic, you would lose interest with the lessons rather quickly, resorting to the gardens to sit in the flower beds and make the plants grow luscious and tall.  You would pick the smaller weed-like flowers and weave them into flower crowns to wear on your head, even making some for Thor whenever he spotted you "playing in the dirt" as he put it. 

When you would retire to your chambers at night to rest, Loki would always come.  He would visit you everyday, to catch up and check in when he would have extra busy days with his lessons.  He would lay with you in your bed, your head resting on his chest and spilling your thoughts to him on the daily.  He would weave your hair in braids and twists while you talked, even falling asleep on rare occasions with your brother playing in your hair.  On those rare occasions, when you would awake the next morning, you would always find a rose on your bedside table, with a note telling you 'good morning, little sister'

But the sibling gesture at the end always crushed the petty interest you held for him.

And now, you stand as an adult, a princess of Asgard and heir to throne.  You stand; still in love with your brother, Loki:

You couldn't help your extreme attraction to him, he was utterly gorgeous. You were attracted to him sinfully and selfishly like a magnet.  It became difficult to be in his presence, always your cheeks flooding with blush, and your stomach flipping.  Your heart would race and you would find yourself entangled in a dance of right from wrong, questioning your bloodline and your pride and place.  But for a few years recently, he had been out and about throughout the realms, causing trouble and making it's not like you always saw him as much as you used to. 

Tom Hiddleston - Imagines -Where stories live. Discover now