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"You sure are a clumsy one aren't you" the strange creature spoke in a tone laced with amusement
Takara confused gaze was the only response the creature received "What the matter human never seen a Lynx before" Takara just continue to stare with a turn the creature slapped the unresponsive girl with its tail snapping the girl out of her daze "Hey!!! What you do that for" the creature seemed to smirk at her reaction "So you can talk after all that's good" Takara scrambled to her knees glaring at the strange creature which did little to phase it "Your cute but a little girl like you has little chance to intimidate me" for a moment the two simply stare at each other before Takara gave up her intimidation attempt "Who are you" the creature smiled "My name is Lind I'm a lynx" Takara smiled "My name Takara I'm a mage from Fairy Tail" a confused look crossed Lind face "A Fairy Tail mage I thought you were a human" Takara giggled "I am you see a mage is a human who can use magic and Fairy Tail is a guild where mages gathered" "Oh I see and were you on your way back" Takara nodded with a bright smile "Yep I just finished my first mission" another voice called out "Takara what's keeping you" shouted Asuka who was already a few meters ahead of the two "Sorry Asuka-nee something came up" Lind spoke up "Seems like we should catch up to your friend" with that Lind turned on her heel and started rushing in the direction of Asuka voice prompting Takara to rise to her feet chasing after Lind "Wait up what do you mean we!!!!!!"
Asuka POV
I was waiting at the end of the road for Takara to catch up however a brown blur rushed past quickly followed by Takara "Wait up Lind!!!!" chasing after Takara I shouted after her "Takara wait up who are you chasing" Takara smiled back at me "I'm chasing Lind!!!!" Speeding up to catch her "Whose Lind!!!!!!"
General POV
The Group of Three were all now seated on the train where Takara explained how Lind came out of the necklace after the explanation Asuka seemed to have a very serious look in her eyes "So your telling me this Fox came out of jewelry" Takara nodded "Yep" then Asuka locked her eyes on Lind her piercing gaze making the creature uncomfortable "So does that mean your like a genie" and just like that the serious look disappeared from her face replaced by a happy look this causeda look of bewilderment to cross the other two faces before one of annoyance took over Lind "I am not a Genie I'm a Lynx!!!!" Confusion took over Asuka face before Lind continued turning her attention to Takara "And as for me being it the necklace that isn't actually correct" it was Takara turn to be confused "What do you mean" "You see we Lynxs' are creatures with a proficiency in magic like you humans I myself was practing transformations magic when something went wrong and I was stuck in that form until you came along and freed me" a look of understanding crossed Takara face Asuka spoke up "So are you Sure your not a Genie" Lind shouted "I'm not a Genie!!!" This time she caught the attention of the other passengers causing all of them to look at the three individuals
Laxus POV
I was satting at the guild bar watching the normal chaos going on Mira was tending to the drunks like usual and an anxious Wendy was fretting about next to me "Would you relax kid she fine Asuka called me yesterday and confirm it" I tried to console her
She turned her worried eyes to except they now seem to hold annoyance rather than worry "For the last time Laxus-nee I'm not a kid anymore I'm a mother and as such it's my job to worry about my child" a small sigh left my lips at that response "Fair enough but speaking of your family where that husband of yours shouldn't he be over here trying to console you instead of me" this caused a sigh to escape her lips "Natsu-nee dragged him into the fight a little while ago" further conversation was cut off as the guild doors swung open and two familiar figures walked in "We're Home" and just like that Wendy was gone a small tornado taking her place
Takara POV
After Asuka announced our return to the guild I saw a flash of blue and the next thing I know I'm being strangled as my mother hysteric voice fill my ears "Takara your home I was so worried how did your mission go are you hurt.." as she question me I was only able to whimper out "Mom can't breath" it seems my plea worked as she loosen her grip enough for me to breathe "Oops I'm sorry dear" after taking a moment to catch my breath I snuggled into my mother arms returning her embrace "I'm home mom"
General POV
After Takara and her mom finished Takara was swept away by her dad where they spent time  with her telling him about her mission and introducing Lind to her parents and the Guild it wasn't long before another brawl broke out leaving Takara and Lind alone at the bar "There a rowdy bunch aren't they" spoke Lind Takara nodded "Yeah"a smile crossed Lind face "It's nice thou maybe I will stick around for a bit" Takara face lit up after hearing this "Really Lind" the Lynx nodded Takara clapped her hands as a bright smile covered her face "Well then Lind"
"Welcome to Fairy Tail"
End of Story
An:Hey readers surprised I wouldn't blame I mean I said that last chapter was the end of the story that is if you read this story before however I changed my mind after looking over the last chapter I couldn't help but feel this story needed a more conclusive final chapter so here it is Hopefully you Enjoyed It
Until Next Time

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