ch 1

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Takara POV
I was awoken by the sound of my alarm clock going off rolling over I reached out my turning off the blast thing and was met by the sight of my bedside calendar which read March 1st after staring at the date for a minute I jumped out of bed letting loose a squel "IT HERE" before I knew it my door was slammed open by my dad "Takara what wrong" letting out another I tackled my dad in a hug "Today the day I finally get to go on my first mission isn't that great" returning the hug he spoke "I see so you alright right" nodding my head "Right" letting out a breathe of relief "That good don't scare me like that okay I thought you were hurt" giggling to myself I  released the hug as my dad left the room no doubt to tell my mom that I was fine
I made my way to the guild once inside I rushed to the bar behind which was Master Laxus wife Mirjane with a happy smile on her face once she saw me her smile seem to get bigger "Good Morning Takara how can I help you" smile at her I return the greeting "Good Morning  I'm here to get my mission Master Laxus assigned me" nodding her head "Oh yeah today is your first mission right" nodding my head"Yeah" "Well then I'm sure Laxy pick you out a great mission" before I could respond a gruff voice hollered out "MIRA I thought I told you not to call me that" Master Laxus marched up to the bar giggling Mira responded "Oh Hush Now Dragon and give Takara here her mission"huff he turned to me "First off before I give you your mission I need to assign you a helper considering this is the first mission you will be taking on by yourself" he turn to the rowdy guild and shouted out "Oi you brats which one of you would be willing to help Takara out with her mission" four voice called out "I will" the voices belonged to none other than Nashi, Storm, Gale, and Rosemary  (New team Natsu) seeing the volunteers he huffed "Like hell I'm letting any of you accompany her you will just do the mission yourselfers and cause me problems" Looking around he spoted a familiar hat "Asuka how about you" looking at us "Me of course I love to help her" walking over to us she place a hand on my head and bent down to look me in the eyes "That is if you would let me after all it is your mission" smiling at the older women I nodded my head "Of Course" nodding his head Laxus looked over at Mira 'Demon if you would hand me the file"nodding her head she reached down under the bar pulling out the job sheet she handed to Says who looked it over and began leading me out after saying goodbye to my parents who were there to see me off
End of chapter
AN:Well that ends the start of Takara Adventure also I forgot to talk about Takara outfit which is honestly probably a good thing considering I don't know fashion so his picture her in your favorite Wendy Costume hopefully it is appropriate if your curious about why Laxus selected her job this chapter here was kind of trying to resemble Wendy Big Job where Markrov sent her on a job with Fred in order to help her get experience hence why the new team Natsu volunteered whose names were not mine but the ones most used by the community at least from what I have seen anyways if you were curious Asuka is like twenty three years old finally I like to credit Fallen Ark Angel over on whose miraxus stories were responsible for inspiring the interaction between Mira and Laxus if you like Miraxus you should read some of his stories their great anyways sorry for the author note running so long bye

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