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Takara POV
As we step off the train we were greeted by a brown haired man in a blue suit he spoke in a very formal tone "Excuse me ladies but would you happen to be the wizards from fairy tail" Asuka stepped up in front of him "Yes My Name is Asuka Connelland this is Takara Conbolt we are here about the job request" nodding his head "Yes I am the one who requested your help if you would please follow me I will explain the details" with a nod the two of us began following him after exiting the train station we were led over toward's a covered wagon which upon our boarding departed from the border town and set out toward the village as we moved the man began to speak "First allow me to introduce myself I am the Mayor of Serno and the one who submitted the request to your guild" Hearing this Asuka spoke up "I see well that makes this easy" looking at me she continue "You see Takara typically when we accept a request we make a special trip to meet the client so we can get the full details regarding it isn't often the client goes out of there way to meet up with us" she was now looking at the Mayor "Which leds me to believe that the situation is very dire" nodding his head to confirm her claim "Yea you are correct it is very important that the problem with these bandits be resolved quickly else I fear my people as well as others will lose their home" Hearing this Asuka was taken aback "Please explain Mr.Mayor" "You see Serno is a very small town cut off from the rest of the world and mostly self sufficient however there are a few key item that we require from other villages usually this isn't a problem thanks to the caravans that come to us from other villages bringing with them these items in return we send back goods from our town this trade network works well for not only us but the other villages as well however it has been disrupted by the Bandits this interference has now put us in a very grave position if it is not stop I fear our very way of life will be destroy" hearing this I felt myself start to feel overwhelmed thinking about all the people who would suffer because of me it was then I felt a hand on my shoulder turning I saw it belonged to Asuka who spoke "Don't worry Sir I promise you as  mages of fairy tail we will save your town" as she said this her grip tightened as if to reassure me and her self

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