ch 4

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Takara POV
As we step out of the wagon the two of us were surpirsed and feeled with sympathy as we saw the condition of the village hearing about was one thing seeing it was another it was as if a poison had slowly made it way through sucking out the life of the village a small but constant source of suffering (If you have ever watched Naruto picture the land of waves village from part one at least that what I thought of) We made our way to the Mayor house where he sat us up with a room as we laid out our stuff Asuka turned to me and spoke "So Takara before we sit out on this mission I need to know if your parents have taught you anything in regards to combat I know your pretty good at healing just from watching you in the guild but I still don't know the full scoop of your abilities" "Well Uncle Gajeel has been teaching me how to fight for awhile now" she seem surprised by this "Really" "Well originally papa wanted to teach me but since I'm a Dragon slayer uncle Gajeel said it was best if he or mama taught and since mama isn't really big on fighting she left that to him but she teach me more about our magic" crossing her arms she spoke "I see that makes sense considering Gajeel knows more about fighting then either one of them but I never would have thought he could come up with good reasons like that" giggling I informed her "That's cause Aunt Levy came up with the idea" realization dawn on her "That makes much more sense" nodding my head in agreement "Yeah Aunt Levy came up with this plan after Uncle Gajeel kept complaining about not having anybody to teach after Gale decided he was more interested in becoming a scholar than a mage and sense Metal-kun is still a baby he couldn't teach him yet and as you know him and Uncle Natsu can't stand it when the other get ahead in their competition" Asuka nodded her head "Yeah I know and whatever the reason it good you can defend yourself" agreeing with her the two of us when back to satting out our things in silence
The two of us had left the confinement of the Mayor home to seek out the Bandits after awhile we came across the camp after surveying the camp and confirming that this was the right camp we decided to go over the plan one more time while we waited for them to return "Alright you remember what we discussed earlier right" nodding my head I spoke "Yes I'm in charge of watching your back as you will be taking point I am in charge of making sure none of them get the jump on you" nodding her head "Right but you forgot one thing" a little confused I tilted my head to the side "What" she smiled at me "Be Careful" smiling to myself I nodded
After a bit the Bandits finally returned after making sure there were no last minute preparation to be made the two of us began our attack with a quick flick of her finger Asuka fired off two shots taking down two bandits and catching there attention with quico action two more bandits were able to grab their weapons and return fire stepping in front of Asuka I summoned forth a wall of wind which deflected there attacks followed by Asuka firing off a few more shots afterwards we descended our perch to continue the fight. As always Asuka was quick on the draw as soon as are feet not the ground she let lose a barrages of bullets taking out multiple enemys in one go by down they had recovered  from the surprise attack and were now able to retaliate raising up a wind barrier to block the onslaught of attacks while I was defending Asuka requip a Tommy Gun and started unloading as soon as I drop the shield while she was doing this a bandit with a magic sword  was able to flank us dodging a swing from his weapon I struck back with an attack of my own
Sky Dragon Scorching Talon
As my magic covered my leg in a heated wind I delivered a powerful kick to the attacker that sent him flying away however two more rushed me from behind spinning on my heel I unleashed another attack
Sky Dragon Tornado Wing
Two tornados surrounded my arms and with a swing the strong  winds met the two head on before knocking them both into two different directions each of them landing in heaps on opposite sides of the glade before I could relax Asuka voice called out "Takara behind you" turning my head I was able to see another bandit right behind me with no time to dodge I simply braced myself  for the hit no a second later I felt the air leabe my lungs and my feet come off the ground as I was launched into the air by the Bandit attack I found myself starring at the sky for a moment realizing this I quickly snapped myselfout of my daze and using the momentum I flipped my body over so I was staring at the attacker grasping my hands in front of me I took a breathe feeling my magic surging  through my body I let it loose
Kairos Dragon Roar 
The attack shot forward impacting itself against the bandit who was unprepared for the onslaught was quickly blown away landing on the ground I watched as he collided with a tree and knocked unconcisous letting out a sigh I relax just a bit this didn't last for long as the ground began to shake as something big made it way to the battlefield
End of Chapther
An: Alright just a quick note on Takara magic the three different ways I address her attacks was intentional and no it is not three different kinds of magic just way with three different properties you can thing of it as a martial artist changing staces or something
anyways the three Properties will be explain below
Scorching  is when Takara wind is heated this is do to the dormant magic she received from her dad as her Dragon slayer magic is dominant
Sky is simply the basic magic from her mother
Kairos or weather is when she uses both the above in unison and if you payed attention in science you would know that when a warm  front and cold front meet certain weather changes may occur like tornados hurricanes etc...
Depending on how I feel I may just address her magic by one name in the future but sense this is Takara first fight I thought it would be a good idea to give you some insight on her abilities the next chapter is most likely the last for Takara first adventure so that will end this story sorry if my quick note ran a little long if you have questions ask me and I will answer them and if you have a problem with Takara magic keep in mind I was kind of thinking geneticly when I came with her abilities and one last thing big thanks to to my friend fairy_ kitten13 for her help with coming up with named to address Takara magic give her stories a read I'm sure you would like them


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