ch 2

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Takara POV
We boarded the train and after finding our seats the train soon departed causing me to jump up so I could watch out the window as we passed the landscape by "So I take it your immune to motion sickness like your mom huh"  question Asuka nodding my head "Yeah and I'm glad because if not then I couldn't enjoy the view here" smiling Asuka asked another question "So tell me is this your first time leaving Magnolia"shaking my head "No I have left town plenty of times with my parents but this time it feels different you know" nodding her head "Believe me I get it it is a lot different going on a mission with your parent then it is going on one without them in fact I know exactly how your feeling it was the same for me on my first mission" smiling to myself as she continued "Speaking of which it was your mom who accompanied me on my first mission and now look here I am doing the same for her daughter time she does fly before you know it you will be acompaning my kid in their first mission huh" giggling at the thought the two of us continuing to make small talk until the intercom called out "We will be arriving at our destination please get ready to depart hearing these Asuka spoke up "Well considering we will be arriving soon I bet you like to hear about our job now" nodding my head "Alright then you see lately the village of Serno has been having trouble with Bandits attacking merchant visiting the village so our job is to take care of them" letting oit a gasp I spoke up "You mean we have to fight them" nodding her head I look down at my feet feeling very uncomfortable all of a sudden I heard her sigh "Look Takara i know it is a little much for you first job and I'm betting you really never fought have you" shaking my head it was true mom and dad usually took care of the fighting even thou they taught me how they didn't want to expose me to violence "Look Takara one thing you should know about us mages especially fairy tail mages is we always find ourselves taking part in battles even if we don't want it just a part of the job so Master wanted to give you some experience for your own good okay" nodding my head I felt a little better now enough to meet Asuka gaze in which she smiled "And don't worry if anything goes wrong I will right behind you" nodding my head I smiled
Back at the Guild
Laxus POV
"What how could you Master"  Romeo and Wendy shouted out they were in his office discussing their daughter's mission details when they found out about that it includes combat needless to say they were worried "Look I know you two wanted to keep her away from violence as long as possible but you both know that will only hurt her in the long run" glancing at each other then back at him the two began "Yeah but..." only for Laxus to interrupt  "Look you two if I could I would keep my niece as far away from the battlefield as possible but I can't do that " Romeo couldn't help but ask aloud "Your niece?" huffing he turn around in his chair (a spiny chair) "Damn Right  My Niece" after all she was Wendy's daughter and Wendy was basically his little sister even if he never officially said so to her but he was pretty sure she already knew eapeaclly considering all he did for her when she was younger you see if she was need some extra jewel for rent or food or whatever he never failed to give here it (even if she never asked) after all she was just a little girl someone had to look out for her she once tried to pay him back but he never allowed her to after all what kind of person would he be if e accepted payment from a little girl besides it not like it was that expensive really she was a hard worker and typically was able to make her rent it just every now and then she runs into a rough patch that he was able to pull her out of after all he would rather have her smile because of something he did then suffer from something he didn't do he would help her with more then just finances if anyone gave her any problems he dealt with them (without her knowing of course) gave up some of his time just to listen her if she came over to talk to him there was no way he would do any of this for anyone else really except maybe the thunder legion or one of the demon siblings the bottom line is Wendy was his little sister and Takara was his niece so he had their best interest in mind even if they didn't believe it
End of chapter
AN:And so ends this chapter sorry about Laxus internal monologue there if it bother you I'm sorry I just had to write a caring big brother Laxus section it wouldn't leave my head hopefully you at least found it interesting if not well that on you but hopefully you will enjoy next chapter the action picks up

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