ch 5

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General POV
At the far end of the glade a set of trees were knocking aside by a giant monster

behind the monster a bandit stood around his neck was a glowing talisman (honestly I'm not good at descriptions so just use your imagination for the bandit) that when Takara remembered that the mayor had informed them that the bandits were led by ...

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behind the monster a bandit stood around his neck was a glowing talisman (honestly I'm not good at descriptions so just use your imagination for the bandit) that when Takara remembered that the mayor had informed them that the bandits were led by a summoner I see that must be the one the mayor told us about without wasting any time the monster charged forward intent on consuming the two females the leap away and retaliate with stacks of their own
Tornado Bullet Barrage
Kairos Dragon Roar
The two attacks made contact causing smoke to cover the monster this didn't last long as the monster burst from the smoke and smacking Asuka through the sky and crashing harshly into the ground perusing its' wounded prey the monster advanced on the gunslinger with a panic shout of her name Takara rushed the beast as storm clouds started gathering the young girl leap into the air summoning forth a magic cirle the girl let loose a powerful attack using all of her magic power
Kairos Dragon Secret Art:
Nature's Fury
Gale force wind shot out of the circle within it specks of flames could be seen dancing with the wind as the wind surged forward bolts of lighting sprang out of the storm clouds mixing their self into the wind as the attack slammed into the monster smoke enveloped the area as she touch the ground the lack of energy caught up to her and Takara was unable to hold herself up the last thing she saw was the monster disappearing into thin air the leftover energy scatering to the wind
Two Days later
Takara would awake in the bedroom at the Mayor house where Asuka would inform her that the mission was a success the summoner was easily dispatched after the defeat of the monster the two of them would collect their reward from the mayor and was things were settle set off to return to the guild however before they could leave the mayor stop them
"Wait Takara" hearing her name being called she turn to the man "What is it" reaching into his bag he pulled out a talisman

behind the monster a bandit stood around his neck was a glowing talisman (honestly I'm not good at descriptions so just use your imagination for the bandit) that when Takara remembered that the mayor had informed them that the bandits were led by ...

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reaching out to take the item she spoke "What is this" grinning away the mayor spoke " This Talisman is a very special item found by our villages' founder it is said to have the power to connect the wearer to the realm of the spirits" Asuka spoke up"You mean like the Celestial Spirits" shaking his head the Mayor spoke on "No this item is not connect to the Celestial Spirits but rather the spirits of this world" "What do you mean what kind of spirits" "I'm afraid I don't know the answers" placing the item in Takara hand he continued "But perhaps you could find them" grasping the necklace she place it on her neck the talisman gentle brushing itself against the pendant given to her by her mother commenting on her new accessory Asuka spoke "Well one things for sure it suits you" smiling at her Takara nodded "Yeah I like it thank you" smiling at her the mayor bid her goodbye as they made their way away from the village the two were discussing the mayors' gift "So if that thing is some kind of magical item like the old man said wby don't you try running some magic through it maybe we will find out about those spirits" deciding to give it a try Takara started channeling magic into the talisman and before they knew it the pair was blinded by a bright light and once the light show was over Takara opened her eyes to see a pair of piercing green eyes letting out a cry of surprise as she jumped away losing her balance she fell flat on her butt with her head facing the ground a voice penetrates her thoughts "You sure are a clumsy one aren't you" the unfamiliar voice caught her attention in an atempt to located it she snapped her head up and begain looking around for the owner when her eyes came to rest on a small creature

reaching out to take the item she spoke "What is this" grinning away the mayor spoke "  This Talisman is a very special item found by our villages' founder it is said to have the power to connect the wearer to the realm of the spirits" Asuka spoke...

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End of Chapter

An: And so this concludes Takara first mission and as for the creature above me it name is Lind at least for now unless any of you have a better name I be more than happy to hear them just leave a comment with the name or something for now thou its' name is Lind and she will be Takara partner hope you st enjoy it until next time

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