Chapter ①⑤: Together

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Daniel POV
This was really the best day of my life. It is as if in an instant all my worries had gone away, as if in a single moment I had begun to really live again. And all thanks to Isabella. I never imagined that she was plotting this together with manager Kim.

Now the others went home... here at home the ones who are left are just me, Isabella and the manager. It's time to say goodbye... but to do that I want some privacy.

"Manager... can you leave us a moment alone?" I asked hesitantly. I was afraid that my request might seem a bit ambiguous. But the manager gave me permission without arguing, saying that he would wait for Isabella in the car to drive her to the convent.

"Well, the time has come for the greetings. Thank you very much for everything Isabella" saying that, I was cuddling her in my embrace.

"It was a pleasure and an honor to have been by your side Daniel, I would have never thought to say this since the beginning of our cohabitation was really horrible, but: you are really a wonderful boy"

"Regarding what happened last nig--"

"About that... well, I still don't know what's best for me, what my heart really wants. I'm sorry, Daniel"

"It's okay, dont' worry too much... it doesn't matter..." I said, stroking delicately her arm. Even though I said that, I really do care. I don't want her to become a nun definitively, I don't want her to go away from me permanently. But after all I want her to be happy... so I can't force her to give me an answer now!

"Daniel... can I ask you a little more time? Will you wait for me?"

"Of course, of course Shortie! Take all the time you need, I will wait for you till eternity if it was necessary" this is what I really think. I'm willing to wait for her even forever.

And before I let her go to manager Kim's car, I gave her a kiss. I really had too much desire and too much need to feel her lips on mine once again, because only those lips could make me feel a similar feeling, so damn perfect.

- 7 August: press conference for the Wanna One reunion -
Third person POV

Breaking News: Wanna One is coming back

And so it was that, the same day they made their debut years before, Wanna One began to follow again the path of success, pursuing their dream, together, as a family. This is what had always been and what they wanted to continue to be until the end.

During the press conference, journalists asked several questions to find out what was the reason behind the group's reunion. But some questions were particularly precise and addressed to Daniel...

"Kang Daniel, is it true that you are currently dating?"

"Yes, I'm dating and I'm not going to hide it from anyone" Daniel replied without a little hesitation. After all, he knew that his friends were supporting him and that they were with him in this.

"But is it true that you are having a forbidden relationship? With a nun?" asked another journalist shocking all presents at the conference.

"Ahahah... of course the news runs really fast, right? In part what you said is true. My current girlfriend could be a nun, but luckily she entered my life and I entered her before she took the vows. So technically my relationship has nothing forbidden"

"And now this girl, where is she?"

"She is currently chasing after a part of her dream in Africa. She really wanted to help the poorest and most unfortunate people, just as she did with me. It's something that she can do really well"

Daniel was answering all the questions that were asked with disarming sincerity. The love he felt for that girl could clearly be seen in his eyes.

"And why did you agree to go back to this kind of life despite having a girlfriend? Don't you fear that this could negatively affect your career and your group? Why didn't you decide to hide your relationship?"

"Well, this group is my dream and without it I couldn't live. As for my relationship with this girl... I have no intention of hiding her for fairness towards the people who support me. Moreover this girl helped me to find again a dream for which to fight. I love her and I want my love to be of help, support and example for other people. and I'm sure that she now is proud of me, I can't think of deluding her"

While in Seoul this press conference proceeded, on the other side of the world a girl was smiling knowing that her love was stronger than ever, that her dream continued to live even if it was slightly different from how she had always planned it and above all, today her star shone brighter than ever.

The end


A/N: I hope you liked this story! Thank you for have read it till the end! 💗

A/N: I hope you liked this story! Thank you for have read it till the end! 💗

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