Chapter ⑩: First day together

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Isabella POV
Like every single day, today Daniel is accompanying me to the convent for evening prayer. Unfortunately, given the events of last night, this morning I skipped the morning prayer session; surely I will have to apologize to Sister Angela, but I hope she understands the circumstances and authorizes me to go back to Daniel's house to help him.

"Sister Angela, could I have a minute?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course Isabella, I would like to talk with you too"

"Regarding my unjustified absence from the convent last night and my absence from the morning prayer, I would like to humbly ask for forgiveness. But you see, Daniel was involved in a fight again and when he got home I proceeded to medicate his wounds and... well, I fell asleep. I would also like to ask you for permission to go back to live with him. I think I haven't yet fulfilled my task" I said all in one breath

"Isabella dear, of course, you're justified and even allowed to go back to live with that guy to fulfill your task. But to be honest, what I wanted to discuss with you was a very different matter from this..."

"What are you talking about? Please, continue with your speech"

"Well, I just wanted to ask you if by chance you hadn't started to develop some feeling for that boy" after hearing these words, I could only widen my eyes and start denying such a foolish affirmation.

"No no no, what are you saying mother superior. I could never, you already know: my dream is to become a nun to help others. Why have you thought about a thinglike that?" I asked, unsure if I really wanted to know the answer to my question.

"You see dear, the way you look at him has changed radically, the harmony between you has evolved. Now I see love in your eyes every time your look is turned to him. And the same goes for Daniel. And remember Sister Isabella, we can help others even without being nuns"

I was really upset by Sister Angela's statements, but even though I continued to deny what she said, part of me kept thinking 'and if it was really like she says? What if I was really falling in love with Daniel?' But I tried to remove such thoughts from my mind as quickly as possible.

Third person POV
After having dinner in the convent as they used to do on Thursday, Daniel and Sister Isabella were heading home in the car. At one point the young girl came up with an idea!

"Hey Daniel, do you remember that this morning I told you that I had other things to do before the party?"

"Of course I remember, how to forget it... eh eh" replied the boy pretending a giggle. To tell the truth, only the thought that the little nun could have something going on on her head, was scaring the poor boy.

"Well, since you remember... why not start immediately? Now it's evening so there aren't many people around. It will be a gradual path, but better start as soon as possible!" Isabella said with a strange smile on her face. The expression of the latter certainly didn't reassure Daniel.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's stop at that store. For the first time we will buy food together. You can't back out. You have to start to show yourself in public and live your life quietly, regardless of my presence by your side. And anyway being seen around with a nun certainly will not make you look like a bad person, don't you think?"

"The idea doesn't appeal to me at all. But if I don't obey, you will not help me with the party, am I wrong? So I don't think I have any other choice" and after saying that Daniel parked the car in front of a shopping mall. Inside he hoped that there weren't many people at that time or at least that many people didn't recognize him.

After all, the shopping hadn't been so traumatic and he even managed to have fun. Maybe that girl was really managing to change him slowly, to get him back to who he had once been.

You will dream again 💝 Kang Daniel FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now