Chapter ⑦: Suffering

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Isabella POV
It's already been a month since I started living with this guy. Although it has been a lot of time, well, I couldn't make any progress towards solving the problem that seems to afflict him.

During this period, great things have not happened: every morning and every evening he accompanies me to the convent for the prayers and sometimes we stop there to eat with the Sisters, for the rest of the days... we stay indoors! Literally closed in the house! In 30 days of cohabitation, I didn't have to stay by his side only 3 days, the only ones in which he went to work and had someone to watch over him so that consequently my presence was not required. But, because of the scandal about him being involved in the fights, unfortunately he doesn't have many jobs and therefore, for the remaining 27 days we stayed at home. Apparently he doesn't like the idea of going out and being seen around a nun's side... so he prefers to spend his time at home playing, eating, sleeping and training a little so as not to lose his physical fitness. And while he does all that I study, I fix the house and get ready to go to Italy to take the votes. Because this is what I really want.

In all this time, however, there were no interactions between us. It's strange, but I hoped I could establish some relationship with him, a part of me really wants to help him.

And without realizing it, once again I find myself staring at him...

Daniel POV
It's been two days since the nun who lives with me keeps staring at me, whatever I do. It really makes me nervous.

"Can you stop staring at me?"

"I'm sorry" she said, looking down, maybe once again I was too hard on her. After all, not even she would like to stay here with me, but so why doesn't she hurry up and leave?

"See Sister...."

"Isabella, just call me Isabella. After all, I am not a true nun yet"

"Yes yes, whatever you want... you know, I didn't do anything wrong during the last month, I wasn't involved in any kind of fight... I think you can go away now" I said, hoping to convince her to leave my house and let me live my life. Now that I think about it, this is the first and real conversation we are having... we usually communicate through post-it notes attached to the refrigerator.

"In fact you have not been involved in any fight in the last period, but I haven't completed the task for which my presence was requested by your side yet"

"And what would it be? Wasn't it to keep me away from trouble?"

"Ahah, no no. The real task is another! But since you started talking to me, why don't we try to get to know each other a little better? Then I'll tell you the real reason why I'm here. Do you like the idea?"

"It can be done. But only because I have nothing better to do. And I do it only because I want to understand how to drive you out of this house" and saying this I sat on the ground in front of her, who was sitting peacefully on the sofa.

"Like you wish Mr. Kang"

"You can also stop calling me Mr. Kang, just call me Daniel since I can simply call you Isabella. So... my name is Kang Daniel and I'm 22, I'll turn 23 in December and I'm an idol, or rather, I was! I think this is all you need to know about me"

"Very pleased Daniel. My name is Isabella, I am 22 years old... 23 in June and well, I am a future nun"

After this brief presentation she explained to me something of his life, like being a foreigner, not remembering anything about his past as she was involved in an accident when he was only 6 years old, an accident in which she lost both her parents. Since then she has been raised in the convent and is now ready to take her vows to fulfill the dream she believes in with all her might: being able to help people in need.

"Can you stop talking about dreams and hopes? I can't stand you anymore!! I can't stand to hear about such shitty things" without realizing it I stood up and was screaming at her. But I can't do anything about it. I really can't stand when people talk about stupid things like dreams in front of me.

"Daniel..." Isabella said taking me by the hand and making me sit on the couch next to her "a while ago you asked me what was the reason why I came here, right?"

"And what does it the matter now?"

"The reason why the mother superior sent me here is to give me the chance to see another reality different from the one I grew up in, while the purpose that was entrusted to me by your manager is to understand what is afflicting you! I think your manager really knows you very well and... this violent guy is not really you Daniel"

"What do you know about me?" why does this person continue to talk inappropriately? After all, she does not know me at all.

"You're right, I don't know you, but your manager does. And I believe what he told me, because he was genuinely concerned when he came to the convent to ask for help. He came to the convent to look for someone willing to help him save you from yourself "

Without meaning to, I stood up again, freeing my hands from the grip of Isabella's and I began to rant against her, throwing out all the thoughts that filled my head "do you really want to know what the f*ck I have? Do you really want to know? Well, I saw my future go crumbs in front of my eyes. The group with whom I shared more than a year of my life was disbanded without anyone really asking for our opinion, for my opinion. I knew that sooner or later it would have happened, but I didn't think I would grown attached so much to those 10 idiots. And now what happens? They manage to go ahead with their career as if nothing had happened, as if our group for them was just a joke, a children's role playing game. But for me it was not like that... I was holding on to them and I wanted to fight so that the group wouldn't be disbanded one day. But I was alone, I'm alone! I no longer have a f*cking dream... why should I go on with my career and listen to what others want?"

"See Daniel, you're not a bad person. If you were really bad now you wouldn't be crying" it's true, I'm crying! Why am I showing myself so weak in front of this little nun? Why did I have to cry right in front of her? I'm a man, I should not cry, it's not a manly thing.

"Shut up. Now you have completed your goal, right? Now you know why I behave in a certain way! Leave, leave this house immediately. Please. I don't want to slap you again"

"Is that what you really want Daniel?"


"Okay, so I'll pack my things. Thank you for hosting me all this time and know that if you need me, well, you know where to find me"

"When I come back I don't want to see you again here" and after saying this I hurried out of the house, slamming the door behind me! Now I just need to calm down... I think I'll go to some bars to drink!

You will dream again 💝 Kang Daniel FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now