chapter thirteen.

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Everything was supposed to be fine. Everything was supposed to be fixed and flawless, yet the number of cracks in the ice Yoongi stood on made it impossible to see the waters below. He wasn't sure what type of situation he was in until someone nearly broke his door down at 11:10 PM, shouting profanities that were sure going to get him in trouble with his landlord.

"Min Yoongi if you don't open your door right fucking now I'm going to break your fucking window," the voice called, flooded with enough anger to impress even Yoongi.

In a bathrobe and fuzzy slippers, Yoongi opened the door in a half daze, only to receive a sharp jab in the stomach as the male socked him, grabbing his bathrobe and throwing him onto the couch, slamming the door shut with so much force the paintings tilted.

Jeon Jeonguk was in tears in front of Yoongi, hitting him repeatedly with white tightened fists, leaving the beginnings of bruises on his legs.

"Do you know what you fucking did?" Jeonguk screamed at him, shoving the older back into the seat as he attempted to stand. "Do you know where Jimin is going with my mom's car right now?"

"No, I don't, would you care to enlighten me?" Yoongi asked sarcastically, wincing at the punched places on his legs(meaning every inch of his skin since Jeonguk managed a lot of coverage). 

Jeonguk threw his phone at Yoongi and pointed at the screen. "He says he's going to your place, wherever that is," he said between sniffs.


jiminiee: jeonguk i can't do this anymore

jiminiee: im tired of being played for a fool

jiminiee: first it was him, now yoongi

jiminiee: i thought he liked me, but he was just back with hoseok again. i saw hoseok at his house this morning.

jiminiee: i know it's dramatic, but i have to. i have to move on and live a better life, jeonguk, i can't deal with him anymore. he's ruined everything for me. sunsets, peaches, even fucking pocky. i would've disapproved of myself if it were yesterday, but today is a different day. i hope you, who understands what's best for me, sees that this is the right thing for me to do. this really really REALLY sucks bc i thought he was ok and that you were wrong. actually, you know what? maybe im being overdramatic. i know it's so incredibly stupid and even now i know this. but the only other solution is that i murder him (and although that doesn't sound bad, i don't want to live my life running from the law)

jiminiee: i don't want him dead. the people i love always end up dead and i don't want him to go as a person i loved because, yeah, i love him, but i don't want to. do i love him, now that im actually talking about it? i don't know. my feelings are so muddled, jeongukkie, i hate it. if i keep going i'll just keep having these feelings for him. i know they won't ever go away.

jiminiee: actually, that's a lie. that's just the current me in this depressive state talking. i bet i'll be fine by next year but i don't want to live a year in misery, you know? so even though i KNOW it's going to get better, i don't want to go through that process. does that make sense?

jiminiee: im sorry jeonguk, i love you

jiminiee: if you want to come say goodbye to me, i'll be at yoongi's stupid special place.

jiminiee: but please don't try to stop me

There were no other texts after that, except for line after line of Jeonguk screaming at Jimin and seven missed calls. Yoongi's insides churned, and part of him felt angry towards the boy. He didn't even give Yoongi time to explain.

"Damnit, can I just love someone without things going to shit?" Yoongi sighed, grabbing his keys. Jeonguk didn't let the phrase slip past him. Love was too serious a word to throw around carelessly. 

Jeonguk didn't know that there was nothing careless about it.

The orange glow from streetlamps lit up the darkness around Yoongi's car, and he never stopped driving except for when he spotted a familiar shop, practically throwing money at the boy behind the counter. 

It was late, leaving Yoongi in a torturous state of continuously prying his eyes open, attempts to fend back the glazing drowsiness that was struggling to claim his consciousness. The roads he took were forever unfamiliar in the darkness, and soon there wasn't even one streetlamp to offer him light. The only guidance he had was the beams of white from his headlights and the cold moon leering above as the night danced past.

Jeonguk was in Yoongi's house without supervision, but Yoongi wasn't focused on that now.

What mattered was Jimin.

Even then, the sleep never stopped drawing him in.



even if i did have wifi i wouldn't have updated anyways though bc i didn't bring my charger and i was at like five percent bc this dummy forgot to plug in her laptop the night before :)

"whAt aBouT yOur iPaD, rAchEl?" no i am never writing on my ipad it sucks when it comes to wattpad

well here it is anyways, a very sucky short chapter,,,, two days late,,,,,,

(a note from future me) if you read this before my edits GO BACK AND READ IT AGAIN!! i clarified a lot of things and explained why jimin immediately went to suicide. before it was this rushed, shitty thing that didn't make sense and people asked but why did he want to commit suicide over such a small thing? well, i put in an explanation.

make sure you vote for my hard work and dedication for this piece of shit haha,,,,


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