chapter eleven.

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The liminal between conscious and unconscious was where Jimin's mind drifted, not quite asleep, but not awake either. He probably would've been stuck there in that almost-flashback-but-not-quite state if it wasn't for his mother, who opened the door and knocked him over.

"Jimin, the Yoongi boy wants to see you again. I'm not sure if I approve of your friend choices," his mother said, and he listened to her receding footsteps.

For a moment, he wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to just stay and watch Yoongi leave disappointedly from the safety of his window, but his heart was a lump of iron and Yoongi was its magnet. He got to his feet and brushed off his thoughts screaming at him to sit back down, and made his way towards the front door, the pull at his heart almost painful.

Yoongi stood at the door, and he had a basket in his hand.

"Get dressed, punk, I'm taking you somewhere." 

Jimin let his eyes graze the older's, and he saw nothing but emptiness. And impatience.

"Well? We don't have all day."

He could've slapped him, Jimin could've. For being so expectant of Jimin, even after hurting him. But he shut the door and stomped back to his room, shoving the door open, and throwing on his pink sweater and a random pair of jeans. He laced up his converse at the door and left without alerting his mother.

Yoongi eyed Jimin's converse with a bit of distaste, but ignored it and reached for his car keys. "I want to take you to this place I found one day by accident," he said as they walked towards Yoongi's car.

There was little conversing in the car, even from Yoongi's end. They drove out of town, and after a while of driving, Jimin saw dark grey-blues meeting the dusky sky. The small road they took was narrow and bumpy, but it allowed Jimin to see beautiful scenery. He almost regretted leaving his phone at home.

Where the road ended was a gate and a dead end sign, and Yoongi parked in front of it. He got out of the car and pushed the gate open with ease, as it probably had been rusting in the rain for years, forgotten. 

Jimin stepped out of the car and accepted Yoongi's outstretched hand. He helped Jimin up the shaky rocks until they found a flat surface, and Jimin lost his breath when they got there. 

Up on the ledge overlooking the sea, Jimin could see the churning sea, and all he could hear was the repeated crash of water meeting the cliff wall. The water was the darkest shade of blue, indicating its depths. 

"Careful, try not to fall," Yoongi said, and pulled Jimin back from the edge. He led Jimin over to an area where the reeds reached their calves, green and waving in the breeze. He set down the basket and they sat down in silence, listening to the waves kissing rock in thunderous crashes.

Yoongi opened the basket, and Jimin leaned in to see, a smile blossoming on his face.


"I found this place by complete accident, like how I met you. Let's make oranges our thing, hm?" He raised the fruit and passed it to Jimin. "I was wrong. When I was over at Hoseok's, I ended up kissing him, and it hurt because it didn't feel right. I used to love him a lot, and every kiss we shared used to be elysian. But now, it lacks the clarity it once held, void of whatever passion I used to have. And I blame it on you, Jimin." 

Jimin didn't understand, so Yoongi pulled him to his feet, and took him back to the ledge.

"This is our place, Jimin."

He threw the orange into the sea and watched as the colored speck bobbed on the surface for a second before disappearing under the waves, much like the sun was doing.

Jimin watched the golden circle melt into the waves, coloring the sea gold, and how the pink and orange sky followed it, being chased away by the blue of the coming night.

Yoongi spun the boy towards him, and they were chest to chest under the sky. Even the sound of the waves couldn't reach his ears, as the sound of his own heart beating in his ears was deafening. 

"I blame it on you," Yoongi said, and Jimin was seconds from pulling out a pen to ask what he meant, but Yoongi cut him off. He scanned Jimin's face, looking like he was being chased, eyes wild and unsure, before slamming into Jimin like a thunderclap, shutting the gap between them. 

Yoongi was the waves that kept coming, and Jimin was the rocks that were wearing down because of the ocean waves. Sooner or later, Yoongi would just return to the sea and leave Jimin, but at the moment, he didn't care.

Jimin snaked his hand around Yoongi's neck, and they were connected for a small infinity. It wasn't a rough kiss, but enough where they were both panting when they disconnected. Yoongi was staring at Jimin with a new gleam in his eyes, and it wasn't one Jimin recognized. 

The sky was dark now, and the world was still, except for the continuous sound of waves and cliff wall meeting and separating. Jimin felt a pang in his heart when Yoongi stood up, but he still took Yoongi's hand and stood up. 

Stars littered the sky like fine glitter, and Jimin felt compelled to gaze at them, even as Yoongi opened the door for him.

"Beautiful night," Yoongi said through puffy lips, red from their kiss. 

Jimin only nodded in return.

When Yoongi arrived at Jimin's house, he walked the pink-haired boy to his front steps.

"Goodnight, Jimin," he said, and after what seemed like a century of silence, he leaned in and placed a kiss on Jimin's cheek. He disappeared into the darkness, leaving Jimin more unsure and pained than ever.

"Where were you for the past hour?" his mom questioned, but Jimin couldn't reply. He crawled back to his room, walking right past the bathroom, and curled into his bed, flinging his shoes across the room. Jimin found himself at the edge of tears but also feeling warmth, a signature blend of emotions that only Yoongi could give him.

There was a sprout in his heart, and it was budding.

He was developing and sprouting a crush for a vial of toxic.

Jimin was falling for Yoongi.



so how do you feel about the yoonmin kiss

make sure you vote and comment! especially voting! im actually writing all these make sure you vote notes after i published this bc now i have 1k reads but only a hundred votes and im confused bc? is it? not good?? so please make sure you vote, i know it sounds selfish to ask for votes but it doesn't hurt you and it's so great for me uwu

idk how i feel about it, it seems too cliche, too rushed and fake, but it will be explained better through yoongi's pov next chapter. (note from future me to old me: RACHEL WTF WERE YOU THINKING MAN DO YOU KNOW HOW SHITTY THIS PLOT IS?? EVEN IF YOU WROTE IT ACTUALLY OK IT'S SUCH A BAD PLOT IM-) 

im so bad at writing this and there are so many mistakes im sorry,


((there's a storm coming))

orange | yoonmin ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن