chapter seven.

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Yoongi had trust issues.

He knew when Jimin hesitantly gave him his address, he wasn't really going there. So, after he left, he took a loop and followed behind the pink-haired boy, curiosity getting the best of him. When the boy halted in front of the cemetery gates, Yoongi's breath got stuck in his throat. He waited for the boy to walk past, but the moment never came.

Jimin opened the gate and walked in, flower dangling beside him.

The words came back to him: Because yellow means love. Who was the flower for? Was it the reason why Jimin doubted anyone could love him? Was it why Jimin was so uncomfortable earlier that morning? Yoongi drove away as Jimin began walking back out.

Part of him felt like he was intruding Jimin's personal life, and it made him guilty. He drove towards the coffee shop he took Jimin on the second day they knew each other and bought an iced black coffee.

He turned on his phone and was greeted by texts from Jeonguk.

jeonguk: if you fucking hurt jimin like you did hoseok i will personally kill you

Yoongi's face screwed up as he typed back.

agustd: i have no idea what you're talking about?

agustd: mind your own business jeonguk, and please, call me hyung

agustd: do not bring up hoseok to me. you don't know what happened

jeonguk: you weren't the one that held hoseok hyung when he was crying bc you accused him of cheating on you. all because you were bored of him.

jeonguk: i know what happened, HYUNG, don't even test me. jimin told me everything. how you went on a fucking date with hoseok and then ended up with jimin in your own bed. you disgust me. how can you even deal with yourself?

jeonguk: we both know hoseok never cheated. he wouldn't. we BOTH KNOW that you lied to him to get him away from you. i know the truth, hyung, and i would tell jimin, but that isn't my job. i want you to tell him. i want YOU to tell him the shit you did. if anyone were to break jimin with something like that, i want it to be you, so he knows exactly how terrible you are.

Yoongi looked over his shoulder, making sure there was no one around him, before launching back into rapid fire texting.

agustd: for one, i have no idea what you're talking about

agustd: two, why does he care? why do you care? and no, jeonguk, don't test ME. so what i was bored of hoseok? at least i loved him, right? i loved him but it was falling apart, i did what was best for him. i left him and it broke my heart, but it was the right thing. he deserves better than me, jeonguk. i had to lie, don't you see?

jeonguk: disgusting. you are disgusting. don't even try to play victim here. don't try to make yourself feel better by saying shit like that. you just got bored of him and you were too much of a chicken to tell him. so you lied to him. bc it benefited you, and that's all you care about. yourself. so that's why im not letting you come close to jimin. he doesn't deserve to get his heart broken by someone like you. you are the scum of this earth, min yoongi. i'll be your friend for jimin, but know this:

jeonguk: you are nothing to me. 

jeonguk: why does he care? because he's fucking falling for you. he doesn't know it yet, but he's going to end up in love with you. i know jimin better than anyone. so im just here to warn you. im going to ask you to push him away as much as you can, or else i'll have no choice but to sabotage your friendship myself. i will stop at nothing to make sure you don't hurt another one of my friends. so, min yoongi, you better stay away from my best friend.

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