Chapter 5: Training with Sensei Cheeks

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The Biodome of Sandy Cheeks.  So clean.  So green.  So full of life and science.  SpongeBob and Patrick are here right now to train with their master.  Let's listen in.

Sandy stood off to the side, her arms crossed over her chest.  She's observing the two best friends as they sparred.  

SpongeBob dashed at Patrick with his spatula, sporting a red bandanna on his forehead.  The fry cook tool clashed with Patrick's blade as he tries to slash and sent sparks flying.  SpongeBob grunts and spins to the side.  The sponge stabs his side and rolls into the fat of the starfish.  Ripples cascade across his gut before being sent back.  

Patrick stabs his katana into the ground, leaving a large line in Sandy's lawn.  Dirt gets kicked up as he slides back before he stops.  Before he had enough time to lift his head, SpongeBob was already upon him and attempting to hit him again.  Patrick kicks SpongeBob back and swings his blade upwards at him.  SpongeBob deflects and spins in the air as he lands behind his best friend.  Patrick strikes his back and makes him land his face.  

"Oww!"  We said no forceful hits!"  SpongeBob yelled as he stood up.

"You hit me first!"  Patrick replied as SpongeBob rubbed his back, his hand crimson with blood.  

"I saw an opening and took it like Sandy said!  It isn't my fault you're an easy target!"

"That does it!"  Patrick charged his friend and was about to bring the blade down on him when Sandy grabbed him and SpongeBob.  She lifted them off their feet.

"What in tarnation are you fighting about hits for?  It's a spar!"  She exclaimed. 

"He hit me!  SpongeBob shouted.

"Well, he hit me!"  Patrick scoffed.

"Enough!  You're supposed to hit each other.  Seriously, why am I doing this every time you come over?  It's supposed to improve your skills, not your attitude!"

"We're sorry."  The two said in unison.  SpongeBob continued.  "But why are we using our real weapons?"

Sandy dropped them and bandaged his back.  "Because the best way to learn and get better is to use the real thing.  That way you see the consequence of your missteps and wounds from your misses.  This'll teach ya to keep yourself focused on everything around you."  

SpongeBob winced as she dressed his wound.  He stood up when she was done.  "Thanks Sensei!"

"You're welcome.  Now, how about a real challenge?"

SpongeBob and Patrick spoke in unison again.  "You mean?"

Sandy Got in her combat stance.  "Yup!  Come at me with everything you have!"  SpongeBob and Patrick lifted their arms and charged, running up the sides.  Sandy kicks away the spatula out of SpongeBob's hands and dodges the katana.  Patrick keeps slicing at her as she stays on the defensive.  Eventually, she got behind the blade and was able to hit Patrick in his stomach, sending him flying back and dropping his sword.  

SpongeBob's spatula lands away from him as he tries to stand up.  He grunts in pain and charges at her again.  He punches and kicks as fast as he can, but her speed is still faster as she dodges the strikes.  She exchanges some of her own and lands a few hits on the yellow sponge.  He stood his ground and continued his attack.  He hits her shoulder, but he knew she wasn't feeling the sting as bad as he was on his chest.  

Sandy does a quick sidestep and gets besides SpongeBob and gets ready to kick him.  Before she can get off the strike, Patrick body slams her, getting her away from his friend.  She does a backflip and catches herself, landing on her feet.  Patrick and SpongeBob run at her.  They unleash a flurry of blows as they try to get against the dome.  Her back gets ever closer to the cold glass, but before she touches it, she jumps behind them.  Patrick tries to grab her, but his slow heavy movements were no match against hers and he gets pushed into  the ground.  She then lashes SpongeBob with her tail, knocking him against the glass.  He lands on top of his friend defeated.  

Sandy huffs heavily as she holds out her hands to help the warriors up.  "Not bad."  She said.  "But you still have a long way to go.  You're improving, but I can tell you haven't been training everyday."

SpongeBob scratches his head when he's standing.  "Yeah, I was wanting to spend some time with Squidward too.  Dahaha."

"I ain't judging.  Just make sure you don't neglect it neither.  Last thing you want is to get rusty and not be able to defend yourself."

"I know.  I'll make sure to do more, but I don't want Squidward to get too upset.  But a little bit shouldn't hurt."

Patrick pats his friend on the back.  "Not to worry, SpongeBob, I'm sure he won't be upset if you train.  I mean, you're practically dating!  If he doesn't this part of you, then it's his loss!"

"He's right.  He was okay with most of it so far.  Now, go home and hit the shower!  Y'all starting to reek!  It's 'bout time I do more research anyway!"

Everyone says their goodbyes and exits Sandy's dome, leaving the squirrel to her own devices.  She goes back up her tree and opens the fridge to pull out a Krabby Patty.  She places it on her work bench and says, "Now, let's see what I can find."  

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