Chapter 1: A Spongetastic New Day!

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Ah, the sea.  Home of Bikini Bottom, and SpongeBob Squarepants.  Let's check up on the yellow sponge in his home.

SpongeBob was sleeping in his bed when his alarm started to blow.  After the third honk, he turned it off and jumped out of bed.  

He inhaled a large breath of water while he stretched.  "Good morning Bikini Bottom!"  The yellow sponge looked down at his pink snail pet.  "Good Morning Gary!"

Gary opened his eyes.  "Meow." He uttered.  

"I'm glad you asked!  Today I get to work!"


"Yes, I do that everyday, but today is different!  Today, Squidward and I are hanging out!  We're going to that fancy place in town!  And before that, Patrick is going to show me his new fighting technique!  I wonder how he's going to hold his sword this time.  That starfish is always finding new ways to-"  SpongeBob stopped when he noticed Gary has left the room.

"Huh.  Guess he's still waking up.  I'll feed him and be on my way to the Krusty Krab!"  

Just as he was about walk out of his room, the shellphone started to ring.  SpongeBob answered it.  "Hello?"

The groggy, nasally voice of Squidward answered back.  "Is this the home of the sexy sponge?"

SpongeBob started to blush.  "I don't know, I have to look around."

"I think you know who I mean."

"Oh you meant me!  dahahahaha!"

Squidward sighed.  "You're lucky you're cute.  Anyway, I hope you are looking forward to our date."

"You know I am!  I'm ready!"

"Well you better wait you dolt.  Some of us still need time to get ready.  And don't we have work first?"

"Yeah, but I already know exactly what I am going to wear!"

"Please tell me you aren't planning on wearing your street clothes... we are going to a 5 star restaurant!  FIVE STARS, SpongeBob!  You may pull it off, but I would like to see you in something that shows off more of your cultured side."

SpongeBob laughed again.  "Don't worry, Squidward.  I know what you like and I plan on dressing to impress!"

Squidward sighed in relief.  "Good.  I just don't want you to embarrass yourself there.  And maybe... when we're done eating... I could do what you like."

SpongeBob blushed harder and stumbled over his words.  "Well - I -"  He looked and saw Gary watching in the door.  "Oh hey Gary!  I forgot to feed you!  Let me do that right now!  See you at work, Squidward!"  He hung up his phone and wiped his sweaty forehead.  He went to feed his snail, finished getting ready for work, and made his trek to the Krusty Krab.

Meanwhile at the Chum Bucket, the nefarious Plankton was starting his day off as well.  However, he was beginning his next evil scheme!

"Alright, Karen, light her up!"  Plankton said to his mechanical wife.  

She said nothing.

"Oh come on!  How can you still be sleeping!   You're a computer!  You don't need sleep!"

"No, but I do need to reboot every morning, and you yelling doesn't help."

"Come on, babe, don't be like that.  I'm just proud of this plan and want to begin rolling it out as soon as possible!"  He jumped up on some machinery of his latest invention.  

"Very well."  Karen started to light up her monitor as she was testing the new invention.  Electricity started to crackle in the room and zapped Plankton's new toy.  The multiple limbs started to twitch and flex.  

Plankton let out a cackle.  "Yes, YES!  It's working!  Soon the Krabby Patty secret formula will be mine! Now to get on over there and wreak havoc!"

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