Note. 6

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I immediately left the room and went to Rae's.

"Can i stay over tonight please?"

"why what happened?" she asks while watching some reality show on her MacBook.

"look at this." i say as i show her the massages

"woah can she get off our property?"

"can we call the cops pleaseeeee?"

"Come lets look around outside." she suggested.

We get up to call the others.

We went to knock on May's door and she yelled come in. We walk in to see the funniest thing happening. May putting makeup by watching a YouTube video on but her lipstick was everywhere else other than her lips, So she basically looked like a clown.

"ewww what are you doing?" Rae asked while laughing

"im obviously trying to put on makeup, this is a trend im starting." she repiled proudly

"im pretty sure lipsticks are specifically made for your lips." Rae said.

"shut up, anyway why do you need me?" May said while focusing back on her makeup.

"we have a stalker!" i smiled

"WHAT? wait WHAT?" she yelled so loud that Africa could hear. At that moment Raina, Laura, and Melissa walked in.

"May, you don't need the whole world to know that you said 'What.'" Raina said as she sat on the couch.

"im sorry but we have a freaking stalker!"

"wait WHAT?" They all said in unison.

"look at Hyuna's phone." Rae said as she gave it to them.

"can i live my life as a normal high school student and not have any stalkers, like I know I'm pretty famous and pretty so who wouldn't wanna stalk me-" Melissa said as May cut her off.

"Nows not the time to brag about your dreams Melissa."

"Shut up I'm talking about reality not YOUR dreams." Melissa said as she rolled her eyes.

It was the next afternoon we all had plans. Raina went shopping with Jhope, Laura and Jimin went to check out a dance class to join cause they both love it. Yoongi and May went to watch a movie together, Rae and Namjoon went to study together at the library, Miya and Jin went to go shopping for desserts and food. And Melissa went over to Jungkooks house.
I was afraid after the threats I was getting that this stalker will hit me with a car or something so I thought it was safe to stay home.

"Are you sure we can go?" Miya asked reassuringly.

"Yes don't worry about me I'm fine I sharpened all the knifes so I'm ready for whoever does anything to me." I smirked.

"Watch her hear a pin drop and runs up and hides under her bed." May laughs and I hit her.

They all left at that moment.

I was watching Vampire diaries peacefully then I hear a a ring from the doorbell. I suddenly get cold hands and get up shaking. If it was any of the girls then they would've done an annoying pattern to ring it, plus, they each have a key and I wasn't expecting anyone. I walk down just and look at the peephole of the door. It was Taehyung. I feel so relieved like 1000 pounds lifted off my shoulders and open the door excitedly.

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