Game changer. 3

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i threw away my 'threat note' that i got from barbies. i instantly hate myself for that and started listening to the lesson. Mrs.Kim (no offence to her) bored the life out of me. I started to day dream then thats when it hit me.


"i look over to see that May, Laura , Rae, Miya, Melissa, and Raina got the same letter."


I started filling up with excitement and sneakily nudged May's arm.

"Do you still have the note we got at the lockers?" I ask while acting like i was still working.

"Yeah, why?" She said.

"Give it, i have an idea."

She passes the note to me and it says the exact same thing. I was so excited until class was over.

The bell is about to ring and we all got packed up. I was a bit nervous talking to them but I built up my courage and tap on one of their shoulders.

He turns around confused and it was V.

"I think you need see this.." I say as I give him the note. May walks up next to me.

"So this is what you had planned?" She whispers.  I slightly nod while I keep focusing on V.

"Is this a joke?" He says while still looking at the paper. Laura notices May and I and walks up to us.
"What's happening?" Laura asks May quietly.

"No, once we walked into the school these were tapped on our lockers." May replies. Laura got the situation.

"And how am I supposed know it's not a trap and you didn't do it yourselves?" He asks suspiciously.
"Cause we didn't!"  Laura accidentally raises her voice then she quickly apologized.
How am I supposed to know that
V sighed and continued.
"What if you're doing this for attention? I've known them longer than you have and they aren't like this." He sighed as he crumbled threw the sheet away and walked off as the bell rang.

Well there goes our witnesses. After that conversation, I lost hope and didn't want to go after school. Even though Melissa, May, and Laura really wanted to go. I can even tell deep down in Miya's heart she also wants to go.

It was lunch and we sat at a table far far away from the barbies and BTS. Heaven sat with her friends at another table. The same thing as last time happened, a girl screams "BTS" and the whole cafeteria goes wild.

After a while they came in and passed their table which made everyone's screaming start to fade. Our table was quite big and surprisingly they came and sat with us. That left us with shocked expressions and they were smiling at us.

The whole cafeteria was quiet even when the barbies came in. They looked offended that no one was screaming for them. They walked up to the Boys and completely ignored us like we weren't even there.

"C'mon oppaaaa! Let's sit somewhere else." Brittany whined at V.
I cringed and she looks at me and glares.
"What are you looking at?"
'Something ugly' I say in my head
V gets up and and mouths "sorry" as the rest of BTS gets up as well. She fake smiles and walks away.

It was after school as I was still debating whether to go or not. We were at
Our lockers talking about it.

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