At Water's Edge - Chapter 14.1

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                                                                       Chapter 14 .1

‘He cradles my face gently in his hands; his gaze penetrates deep into my soul revealing all my wants and needs, his breathing accelerates as he realizes they mirror his own.  His gaze travels to my parted lips, my breath hitches in my throat as he wet’s his lips. Caressing my cheek he lowers his face until his lips are mere millimeters from my own, I prepare myself for a sweet surrender. Smiling that cocky grin he bridges the gap and…’

“Rise and shine!” belts out Olivia as she pulls the curtains letting in the morning sun.

"NOOOOOOOO…nooooooooooooo” Nina groans pulling a pillow over her head trying to block out the sun.  She burrows herself deeper into the sheets trying to recover the dream and follow through with the ending.

“No my dear it’s time to get up there is much to do before tonight’s festivities, up, up, up with you.” Olivia Laughs as she pulls the sheets off Nina.

“It’s not fair, just not fair I was so close, I can’t even get what I want in my dreams”  Nina wines slamming her arms on the bed as she stares up at the gilded ceiling.  

“I am sorry Miss but it really is time to get up.  Breakfast is being brought up I need you to eat well, as most likely you will not get much more for the remainder of the day.  I am preparing the bath and after last night’s shenanigans we shall have to scrub you raw, until your skin is soft and supple.  Evangeline has already brought all of the gowns, they are stunning, I know I say it every time but you truly have outdone yourself.”

“Thank you” Nina replies shyly.

The maid knocks at the door and enters with the breakfast; Nina eats more than her fill.

For the remainder of the day she is scrubbed, plucked, powdered, oiled, brushed, quaffed, corseted and finally dressed.  To her surprise not once does anyone invade her room, she was certain Vanessa would not stay away after learning that she spent the afternoon in Stevens company.

“Where is the Duchess?” Nina inquires.

“She has her hands full making sure everything is ready for tonight her Grace gave me a message to relay to you.”

“And what would that be?”

“It is a rather strange one but she said you would understand its meaning, she said ‘Lucy you got some splaning to do’.”

“No she didn’t” Nina squeals barely able to contain he laughter. “Did she really say it like that!  That is priceless, go figure she would remember that of all the things I’ve taught her.”

Olivia looks on with a perplexed expression “Whatever are you going on about Miss Nicolette?  What was her Grace referring to, and who is this, this Lucy?”

Catching her breath from all the laughing “Oh Livy that is a well know expression where I come from, it means that I will have to explain myself.  Vanessa has no time today I gather tomorrow will be a very long day, as Vanessa will be having her very own inquisition.”

“She is living vicariously through you, her Grace loves you deeply I have never seen her take to someone so quickly.  Why if someone didn’t know better they would say you were sister or at the very least that you have been by each other’s side since the day you were born.”

“I am thankful for all that she has done for me, never in my life did I ever expect such kindness and love.”

“Well my dear I do believe you are done.”

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