Mr.Sweet pt.2

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Third Person...

   Jumping out of her seat at the inhumane dusembodiment that stood in front of her and her friends, she shouted." Victor Sr.!"

Putting his face to a name Patricia, Amber, Alfie and Fabian turned their heads. Scarce and confusion written all over everyone's faces. Questions one after another engulfed the dining room.

Can someone explain this to me?

How is this even possible?

Aren't you dead?

Looking at the puzzled faces around him Victor Sr,  finally spoke. "It's good to see you again, young chosen one." Directing his full attention to Nina and Nina alone, he continued. "I can answer whatever questions you may have for me, but be advised chosen one there are some that I CAN NOT and WILL NOT answer as well as their is a time limit so..."

Nina nodded as her friends sat in awe, not knowing what exactly to say or ask.

" Do you know where the scattered pieces are located or a location of a clue that can help us?" She questioned.

Victor Sr nodded. " Yes and No." They looked at him confusingly. "Yes I know where the location of the clue itself, but No, I do not know the exact location of the scattered pieces." He informed.

" Okay, so where do we find the first clue and do you know Isis reason behind stopping me from coming back to Anubis house for my third term?" Nina questioned. She wanted to know what Isis goal was after stopping her that day.

" To know that you must simply ask Sweet-"

" How would my dad know about this?" Eddie interrupted.

" My boy I can not answer that I can only direct you, and yes chosen one I do know of the reason behind Isis involvement but I'm sorry that is another question I can not answer." He explained.

Their mouths fell agape. " Why can't you tell us?" Alfie asked.

" Yeah, what's the big secret?" Jerome chimes in.

" Young chosen one, there are things you still don't know about being the chosen one as well as your past-"

"My past?" Nina questioned.

" These are things I can't tell you because it's for your own self to figure out." With that as quickly as he came Victor Sr left, leaving sibuna all wrapped within their own thoughts.

Nina fixated on what he meant by the past, while Eddie faltered over his own father's knowledge on anubis.

" Welcome back to creepy towers!" Patricia groaned.

They laughed as Amber and Joy cleared the table. As the laughing died down fabian stood up.

" We have to get to work so while we're teaching you guys can go talk to Mr.Sweet." he suggested.

They all agreed. When they arrived at the school Fabian, KT, and Alfie went to do their jobs; while Nina, Eddie, Amber, Patricia, Jerome, and Joy sat inside Mr.Sweets office waiting for him.

The room was filled with silence. No one dares to utter a sound. Fore the fear of uttering the wrong words. They shook in their seats as Mr.Sweet entered his office.

"And to what do I owe this pleasure too?" asked Sweetie as he walked over to his desk.

" Where's the cup pieces?"

"AMBER!!!!" they all shouted.

"What? It's what we came to ask?" Amber answered.

"I haven't seen the cup of ankh since your first term here."he said fidgeting his hands as he explained.

" Dad, we're serious....what do you know?"

There eyes stared him down waiting for him to answer because there was one thing for certain no one was leaving until he did.

Sweetie sighed as he opened his lower desk draw and pulled out the ancient hieroglyphic piece and rest it on top of his desk. Disappointment gloomed over Eddie's face. " Eddie do you remember what I told you at the end of your first term here?" Sweetie asked his son.

Eddie stared at his father  questioningly. Deciding whether or not he himself was ready for the incoming information he and his friends was going to acquire.


What did Sweet tell Eddie at the end of second term?

What don't Nina know about her own past?

ARE Nina and Eddie ever going to talk about him not telling her about him losing his Osirian powers?

The next chapter will be up in two weeks as well as BrokenHearted.

See yah😙


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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