Maple and 3rd

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Fabian's POV

  My mind was contorted with questions that only drew more questions, as we hauled our suitcases  across the street to Maple and 3rd. Stopping as we hit the pavement.

Letting out a sigh I turn towards the others. "So where is he?" I questioned as I leaned my body up on the pole.

"He said to meet him here." Patricia explained.

"I guess we gotta wait." I sighed.

After almost an hour of waiting for him to finally show up. "Sorry to keep you waiting. Booking seven tickets at the last minute isn't exactly easy."

We all turned to face our late companion.

"Eddie!" Amber squealed.

He smiled and greeted her.

"Where are we even going?" I asked.

"Yeah, what's with bringing our passports wesal." Patricia questioned.

Eddie looked at us and then stepped into the street. Putting his two fingers to his lips. Whistling a sound from his lips as a car stopped in front of him. We watched as Eddie opened the black 2009 Cameo cab doors. "I'll explain everything in the car and once we catch our flight that leaves in forty minutes." His face contorted in all seriousness.

Nodding as we entered the car. When Eddie closed our door and then his own, he spoke. " Let's go."

"Yeah sure but you can start to explain while we're driving." The driver answered.

Recognising the voice and his face as he turned to face Eddie we all were took by surprised." JEROME!!!!!!" We shouted.

"Hey guys!" Jerome smiled.

Even more confused at what's going on." That's why you said seven tickets" K.T. said interrupting my thoughts.

"Eddie what's going on?" I asked.

He looked at me through Jerome's rare view mirror since I was in the middle it was easier to see his face expressions and let me tell you; it was filled with confusion of his own like he was battling with himself on whether or not to tell us. "Eddie?!" I continued.

"Jerome start driving we have thirty eight minutes to get to the airport so let's go." Looking at him one last time Jerome finally started to drive. " This whole thing has to do with sibuna." Our faces went pale.

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