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Third Person

  As the eight former Anubis residents entered it's halls Nina, Amber and Patricia went from their old wrinkly selves back to their once young and vibrant selves. There were breath taking sighs everywhere. "What happened?" Amber asked.

"Look in the mirror." Alfie said rocking himself back and forth. Shrugging her shoulders Amber went to the nearest mirror and like always Amber's screams shook everyone in the next room.

  "I guess we're back to normal."Patricia laughed.

"Okay everyone settle in. It's only us and Trudy, who'll be here in a couple hours,she went into town. My father is aware of us staying here so don't worry." Eddie explained as everyone scrambled to there rooms after a long flight.

The gang was roomed exactly how they were roomed during there second term.

After everyone was settle, they all met up in Victor's old office. It was just as they left it except Cobrier( don't know how to spell that damn birds name) wasn't on his desk. Nina and Eddie stood behind the desk while Fabian and the others were on the opposite side of them." So are you guys going to explain or are you guys going to continue this ginormous staring contest?" Jerome questioned the two his British accent and irritating sarcasm going unnoticed.

"We'll start with why I had to miss last term." Nina replied.

" You told us...You know in the letter?" Alfie replied confused.

All eyes were on Nina as she began to explain." Actually that was Eddie." their eyes went wide in confusion."I was suppose to go. I met up with Eddie at the airport ready to go and everything. I would of been on his flight if I wasn't stopped by Isis that is." She explained.

"Isis??"they questioned.

"Wait!...The Egyptian Goddess Isis?"Fabian asked. Nina nodded in response. " Why?"

" Isis told me,more like banned me from coming." Nina scoffed. " She said it was because the Osirian and the Chosen one had to be separated because if I was to go with Eddie that term it would of been total and utter chaos." she replied

"It couldn't have been worse than your great grandfather coming to life trying to kill you and your friends." K.T stated.

" Or an evil 200yrs old Teenage girl bent on world domination who was stopped only because Eddie sacrificed the Osi-"

  "Alfie!" Eddie shouted.

Nina's eyes went wide as she faced Eddie. He wanted to tell her, just not yet. Not until he had found it in him to tell her. Now he didn't know what to think. " we'll talk about that later." She told him, not giving him a chance to respond she faced her friends and continued. "Like I said much worse. After she told me that I gave Eddie my locket and told him to write a letter and I left. The side effect of  that was aging much like the hex Senkhara had on you guys."

" But that still don't explain what's wrong with the Cup of Ankh." Said Jerome as he tried to absorb the new information he was just provided with.

Before Nina could speak there was a slam coming from outside. As they all piled out the office." Trudy!?" Amber called out but to her avail there was no answer.

"It's coming from the attic."

"OH NO!THE ANKH!" Nina shouted and rammed right past them. Running up the unsturdy stairs one after another they entered as Nina's locket started to glow In Eddie's pocket.

"Nina here." He said handing her the one eyed locket. Nina quickly took it and open the small secret compartment in the wall. As the light dimmed Nina's eyes went wide.

Disbelief and fear takes over as gasps from everyone were heard." It's empty?"Patricia said.

"This can't be happening!" Said Nina as each breath she took hitched in fear.

" I'm afraid so Chosen One."

The unfamiliar voice made heads turn in fear as a young man emerged from the darkness.

" It's time for your final mystery. A mystery that will lead you towards your freedom."

Author's Note:

   It's been what...a couple weeks now . Sorry guys I've been busy and all with school but I'm going to start back writing again more frequently for this story because I have this whole idea  for this but I'll be updating on Sundays so the next chapter will be updated this Sunday. Don't worry I got you guys, got you guys I just been busy with school you know how it is.

Anyways how was it so far?
Who do you think is the mystery person? Where is the Cup of Ankh?

The world may never know😂😭

See yah😘


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