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I was quick to assume that my summer break would consist of a lot of freedom. Anna planned an entire beach trip for us to go on in June, and I figured that I'd be driving around everyday with my friends, listening to music and whatnot.

I was most certainly mistaken, though.

Dad made me get a job, claiming that I need better work ethic because I'm spoiled and get everything handed to me. He's not wrong, but I still resented him just a little bit for saying that.

So I got a job at a local snow cone stand in town. We get a lot of business during the day, surprisingly, even though I loathe dealing with customers.

The first few weeks of work were pretty rough since I was still trying to get the hang of everything. But once I figured it all out, my boss assigned me days to work alone. Now I really don't like my job. I don't have anyone to talk to, unless, of course, Josh and Anna pay me a visit.

I tasted all 97 flavors again, just out of boredom. Piña colada's still my favorite — no competition.

Devin's G Wagon appeared in the small parking lot out nowhere, and I let out something between a groan and a sigh.

He drops by every now and then just to aggravate me, and I'm not grateful for his unwanted company at all. In fact, I wish he would go the hell away.

He casually got out of the car, flinging the door shut behind him with grace. He stuck his lanyard car keys into his pocket, and pulled his wallet out.

This is literally his fifth time visiting this week.

"Lovely day, isn't it, Madison?" he smirked behind his black Ray Bans sunglasses.

"Up until you showed up, yes." I turned around and grabbed a cup while he studied the long list of flavors that he's looked at every single day for almost a month now.

He gets piña colada every single time without fail, so I'm not sure why he takes the time to ponder the list every day like there's a chance he'll switch it up. He won't.

I made him the snow cone before he could even tell me what flavor he wanted and a troubled smile appeared on his face.

"How'd you know?" he slid a five dollar bill into our money box.

"Lucky guess." I shrugged, hoping he'd leave now.

He always lurks until a customer shows up. Then he leaves. Sometimes he'll be lurking for hours, coming up with the absolute stupidest things to talk to me about. As if I care.

"You're going on the Disney trip, right?" he asked me curiously. "I thought I heard Dylan say that you were, but I wasn't sure."

"Yeah. Why?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Just wondering. Also, Mexico was great. Thanks for asking."

I gave him a deadpan glare. "I didn't ask."

"That's basic conversation etiquette, Madison. You should know this by now."

"Can you leave?"

He grinned excitedly. "I don't know about that!"

I'm not sure why he chooses to spend all day everyday at the fucking snow cone stand when he has countless friends to hang out with.

"Can you, like, go bother Brandon or something?" I wiped the countertops down for the fifth time today out of boredom.

He frowned. "You think I'm bothering you?"

"You're not just bothering me, you're disturbing me — which is infinitely worse." I shot back.

"Come on, I know you were just waiting for me to show up today. You were anticipating it."

"I was dreading it."

"Okay, well you're not getting a tip today." he replied dryly, and I let out a laugh.

We both watched a car pull into the parking lot, and Devin let out an annoyed sigh. This means he has to leave. Thank god.

He leaned over the counter again casually. "Me and Austin are hanging out tonight. Do you want to come with us?"

I had to think about it for a second. Me, him, and Austin. It's definitely a strange combination — but I had no other plans or excuses in mind.

"Yeah." I replied. "I mean, if you just really want me there."

He flashed me a devilish grin as the customers started getting out of their car.

"Yes, I really want you there." he confirmed, while grabbing his snow cone and his phone.

"I'll see you tonight." I said as he started walking away.

He smirked again, and turned around to face me. "We'll pick you up — probably closer to 9."

I gave him a weak thumbs up as he got into his car and drove away. Then, I turned to the customers at the window and started taking their orders.


I'm nervous to hang out with Devin and Austin.

Dylan staying the night at Alexis's house made it possible for me to go about this, even though I still felt guilty as hell. He knows that Devin likes me, but does Devin actually like me? Does he really want to date me, or is he bored? Something deep inside of me feels like he really wants a summer fling before he moves away to California, and I don't want to be his summer fling.

Is that what this is? I stared at myself in the mirror, admiring my reflection. It wasn't really out of the question for Devin to be attracted to me, because I'm very pretty. But I'm younger than him, and I'm his best friends little sister. Surely that's a turn off for him and eliminates me as a possibility on his radar. But he doesn't leave me the fuck alone, ever. He's obsessed with me.

I heard a car pull into the driveway and I went downstairs to get my wallet and my keys. A quick surge of worry rushed over me as I went out the backdoor. I'm nervous, and I don't always do well in social situations. Sometimes I get really quiet and awkward, and I don't want that to happen to me tonight.

I got into Devin's G Wagon, climbing into the backseat while Austin started cheering and clapping.

"I'm really glad Devin actually asked you to come because he's normally too much of a pussy about asking you to-"

"Shut the fuck up." Devin cut him off immediately, turning his music up louder to drown out anything that Austin might say.

Nirvana blasted in my ears as I tried to conceal the smirk etched onto my face. Austin kept laughing his ass off and it took everything in me not to join him.

I didn't even know where we were driving to, but Devin was taking the highway that goes straight into Knoxville. We live on the outskirts, which means we don't get the major city traffic until you drive a little ways down the road.

"What are we doing?" I asked while he weaved in and out of traffic.

"Eating." Devin replied like it was obvious.

Mom and Dad weren't home tonight, so I hadn't eaten anything for dinner, and I was hungry.

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