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The halls were crowded with people getting absolutely exhilarated and pumped for our school's soccer games tonight. Everyone loves a good Merriton soccer game.

Not me though.

I was super nervous about my shooting, since I've skipped the last 2 practices and haven't been doing my workouts either.  Coach has been putting me at striker for the past four games, which also was terrifying.


I probably shouldn't have skipped that one practice, and several following it. I guess this is the price I pay. Though, I'll admit, I had a damn good time skipping all of those practices and eating and shit.

Dylan was kind of pissed, because the goalie on the boys team pretty much begged coach to put him on the field tonight, and he wanted Dylan's spot, so Dylan was being forced to be goalie — which he hated.

He wasn't the only one pissed, though. The entire school was protesting against this because we literally need Dylan on the field since he's the best on the team.

Hell, he might be the best player in Tennessee. They could put him on any professional team right now and he would probably outplay everybody. So it made sense for everybody to be upset about this switch.

Some guy named Patrick stood on top of the lockers and yelled at the top of his lungs.

Everyone joined him, including my brother who was walking down the hallway when all of the rioting started.

I found this so funny.

The teachers were pissed, but there were too many students going awol. I looked over and someone was writing 'Free Dylan' on the lockers with no shame.

It was pure madness.

They called us all into the gym after probably 20 minutes and lectured us about keeping school property clean, and how protesting is banned at school.

Then Coach Thrash came in and yelled at everyone for what we did, and he told us that he was sticking with his word — that Dylan would indeed be playing goalie tonight.

What a horse.

That speech didn't go well at all. Everyone started screaming and yelling and throwing their shoes at him. Anna and I watched in pure astonishment. Our school is fucking insane.

"FREE POWELL." they chanted loudly, echoing through the gym, even though we just had a lecture about this.

Our principal had to interfere as soon as things became more intense. Merriton's school body was definitely some kind of force that you don't want to mess with.

"This is between Coach Thrash and Dylan. There's nothing to discuss. Everyone get to class." he snapped.

Everyone left the gym with copious amounts of chatter. I walked with Dylan to history in awe of the destruction in the hallway.

"I had no idea it would get this far." he laughed like it was the greatest thing ever.

"Your name is printed on the lockers now." I pointed, as we passed by them.

Somehow, there was food all over the hallways, and all sorts of random shit laying around. I think some fights started up because a few people were siding with the guy that wanted Dylan's spot.

I've never seen our school protest this hard. Especially over someone like Dylan, who apparently has a big impact on everyone. Like I've said before, everyone knows who he is.


At the game that night, the protesting continued, which I certainly wasn't expecting at all.

The entire school came to watch us lose so they could rub it in coach's face and prove a point, and I was ready for it.

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