Chapter 23 U.A Shut down?

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Everyone who was at the training camp was in a mild shock that bakugou is now a villain but this didn't shock Izuku sooner or later it was bound to happen. Kirishima then approached Izuku

Kirishima: do you think he's gone?

Izuku: for a long time he's always had a difficult time to control his emotions he just finally gave in

Kirishima: is it possible for him to come back?

Izuku: I'm not sure but if he commits a crime on a large scale then he will have to be taken out

These words that Izuku said sounded as if he was the one who would kill bakugou if it got out of hand well only time will tell what is going to happen

(Chapter 23)

After this TV broadcast was over a press conference with the U.A teacher was on and shots were being fired

Reporter: How does it feel knowing that you let a student fall into the villains path.

Aizawa: We didn't keep a closer eye on him we are responsible for this incident and there is nothing we can do to apologise to the family.

As Aizawa sensei bowed to the reporters and the camera that broadcast the press conference live but little did they know a secret meeting was being held by the people of the Mustafa city. The meeting was about foreclosure of U.A Highschool for letting a student fall to the villain side this would mean that training to become a hero will now be outlawed.

This decree would be passed on Monday it was Currently Friday things were about to change drastically None of this could be foreseen

(Back at the hospital)

Izuku was lost in thought after hearing all that had happened until he was approached by his parents and in-laws at this moment his train of thought was gone and he felt as if he had to explain everything to them about Momo's pregnancy

Hiashi: Son Would you care to explain how Momo ended up pregnant

Mr. Yaoyorozu: we're not mad we're glad but it seemed to early to start a family.

As Izuku explained the situation as how it came to be and they understood as to why she did what she did. The bigger question was how was Izuku going to tell her if she wanted to continue to be a hero but seeing that Izuku and the rest of his friends just survived a deadly attack they decided to drop the conversation and let him rest.

(The next day)

Izuku still being in the hospital waiting for Momo and jiro be discharged from the hospital he decided to ask the nurse for the status on the two girls.

Izuku: Excuse me nurse can you tell me how much longer until Momo Yaoyorozu and Kyouka Jiro will be discharged?

Nurse:  it will be 10 more minutes and thank you for waiting.

As those 10 minutes flew by both Momo and jiro walked towards Izuku and greeted him with a hug knowing that he was waiting for both of them

Izuku: hey momo, jiro how are you both feeling?

Jiro: I feel okay my head is still hurting but other than that I'll be okay.

Momo: I'm fine and so is the baby since it hasn't really developed there was no harm.

As they hopped in Izuku's car they were about to head out for a pretty long drive until Izuku opened a portal that lead home so the travel time was reduced significantly he did this so that the two girls could get plenty of rest in proper beds. As they stepped inside they're home Ochako, Mina and Toru had a small welcome back celebration where they each cooked a little something to make Momo and jiro recover faster.

As the little celebration went on all the girls fell asleep in the living room and Izuku carried each one to their rooms and kissed them all goodnight.

(Monday Morning)

As Monday rolled around they got dressed for school both Momo and Jiro were back to perfect health as they got in Izuku's car they slowly approached the school only to see it surrounded by an Angry Mob protesting and yelling into a megaphone saying

Protester: How could U.A allow a student of theirs to fall into the path of evil, U.A has failed

As his followers began to agree with him they began to chant "U.A has failed"  as all the students who attended the school had arrived principal Nezu had an announcement

Nezu: Would all students please report to the gymnasium for a special announcement.

All students were wondering what was about to happen it wasn't until they arrived at the school gym that principal Nezu was at the podium ready to speak so everyone fell silent.

Nezu: After the news about Katsuki Bakugou joining the league of villains the people of Mustafa city have filed a complaint saying we are incompetent of nurturing young heroes so from this day forward U.A is officially closed down.

As Nezu walked away students began an uproar about how the school will be shut down and at the last second a massive explosion sounded off at the school gates as the explosion sounded off it was military troops who had burst through the school gates and stormed into the gym.

Nezu: What is the meaning of this? I've just announced that this school is no longer operating.

Soldier: Well we've been order to take any pro heroes into custody.

Nezu: On whose authority were you comanded to do this?

Soldier: on the authority of the mayor of Mustafa city. When he signed the petition to Shut U.A down he didn't realize that he'd be giving authority to the army to keep the peace now it's been declared Martial Law anyone who preforms any heroic action will be shot with a special bullet that erases quirks.

As the students begin to laugh nobody took what the soldier said seriously and they were about to receive a rude awakening. As class 1-B' Monoma spoke out in his annoying way the soldier fired a shot that didn't kill him but erased his quirk and made him quirkless. As Monoma tired to use his quirk and absorb Tetsu tetsu's quirk nothing was happening and that's when he realized that the bullet that erases quirks existed.

(Sorry for not updating in a while I've been planning something big with my stories and I hope you will all enjoy this chapter until next time)

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