chapter 22 The disciple of evil

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The villains began to retreat and  Izuku was confused as to what they were looking for as he asked the villain

Izuku: What were you looking for?

Toga: Not what but who and we were looking for Katsuki Bakugou

As that name left her mouth she faded into a portal and the forest was set a blaze he then found Jiro near by she was unconscious when the ambulance and police showed up a majority of the students were injured.
What bothered Izuku was why they were after bakugou

(Chapter 22 begins)

When the police and ambulances arrived at the summer camp they made a head count of how many injured non injured and missing when the numbers were accounted for one student had gone missing.

The student was Katsuki Bakugou now those who had serious injuries were transported to the hospital near by to get treatment Momo was among the seriously wounded she had blood running down her face. Everyone's perants were contacted as everyones families arrived everyones parents  are worried until the Yaoyorozu family walked up to Izuku and he dropped to his knees begging for forgiveness as they signaled him walked to a more private area to speak.

Izuku: Father I am very sorry I'm a failure I couldn't save everyone I let your daughter get hurt.

Mr. Yaoyorozu cut Izuku off and hugged him and said this to him

Mr. Yaoyorozu: you did the best you  could all that matters is that she will be okay..

As this embrace lasted a bit longer Izuku's parents arrived to make sure Momo was okay they knew their son could handle himself so they weren't as worried. It wasn't until Dr. Yamanaka arrived and revealed Momo's condition

Dr. Yamanaka: Well she suffered from a head injury blood loss she has a slight concussion but nothing very life threatening and we ran some tests to see why she had a fever and why she was throwing up when she woke up it turns out she's pregnant.

At that very moment Izuku's parents and his in-laws looked directly at him and as those words were processing in his head he fainted with the news he was then carried off into the room with Momo a she looked confused as to why Izuku was getting placed on a bed.

Dr. Yamanaka: We told your boyfriend that you were pregnant and he just fainted

As the doctor left Izuku came out of his fainted state of being and looked a Momo and said to her

Izuku: I heard we're having a baby

Before he could speak Momo bursted into tears and started to ramble which was completely out of character for her.

Momo: I-i-i I didn't know h-h-how to tell you I was scared that you wouldn't love me anymore and that you'd leave

Izuku: Momo

Momo: i told the rest of the girls about it and they were glad but I wanted to find the perfect time for me to tell you

Izuku: Momo

Momo: it's not like I was going to hide this news forever

As Izuku grew impatient he grabbed Momo's face and kissed her passionately and when they're lips parted she had finally shut up and let Izuku speak.

Izuku: now that I have your attention I told you before on that night we had sex I wasn't going to leave you if you got pregnant. I said if it happens let's bring this miracle into this world together.

Momo was happy to hear that Izuku was on board with her having the baby and so Izuku got up and was going to check on jiro since she was knocked out and he was going to check on Ochako because she was cut by a knife.

Izuku: get some rest dear Im going to check on Ochako and Jiro okay

As Izuku left the hospital room and outside he was surrounded by his parents and Momos parents and he tried to explain himself.

Izuku: before you say anything....

He was cut off by his mother an mother-in-law who cried tears of joy as they simultaneously said

Inko/ Ms. Yaoyorozu: congratulations and thanks for making us grandmother's

Before Izuku could speak all radio,TV and cellphone services were broadcasting the same message and it was from the league of villains

Before Izuku could speak all radio,TV and cellphone services were broadcasting the same message and it was from the league of villains

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The man who spoke was someone how Izuku never had seen before and he began to speak.

All For One: I am All for one and I am the leader of the league of villains this broadcast is a special announcement I would like to introduce my newest disciple of evil please step forward.

All For One: I am All for one and I am the leader of the league of villains this broadcast is a special announcement I would like to introduce my newest disciple of evil please step forward

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As Katsuki walked into the camera that was used to broadcast he had a crazy look in his face and spoke with seriousness without hesitation

Katsuki: I've grown tired not having my skill acknowledged so I've turned to the dark side and from now on I'm known as Combustion

As the TV, radio and cellphone signals returned to normal there was hell to pay for U.A. His has never happened to where a student was seduced by the dark side and as this happened Reporters swarmed U.A highschool looking for answers as to why this has happened.

Everyone who was at the training camp was in a mild shock that bakugou is now a villain but this didn't shock Izuku sooner or later it was bound to happen. Kirishima then approached Izuku

Kirishima: do you think he's gone?

Izuku: for a long time he's always had a difficult time to control his emotions he just finally gave in

Kirishima: is it possible for him to come back?

Izuku: I'm not sure but if he commits a crime on a large scale then he will have to be taken out

These words that Izuku said sounded as if he was the one who would kill bakugou if it got out of hand well only time will tell what is going to happen

( Hope you guys enjoy the update til next time.)

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