Chapter 21 Ambush

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(Previously) Momo, Ochako, Jiro, Toru and Mina were looking after Momo when she told them had to use the bathroom and when Momo went to the bathroom she had a pregnancy test with her the other girls saw and had surprised expressions on their faces as she took the test and waited 3 minutes the test came up positive and it had been 4 weeks since that night of passion. As she stepped out of the bathroom she showed the rest of the girls they were all happy and scared at the same time they all began to worry as to what Izuku was going to say about Momo being pregnant

(This week's chapter)
After Momo revealed the test to her friends who also became Izuku's wives they were wondering how to tell Izuku that she was pregnant. Now  every student was rounded up from class 1-A and 1-B they were told to work on their quirks to improve their weaknesses as Izuku was going to join them he felt a hand on his shoulder

Aizawa: Midoriya come with me we're patrolling the area

Izuku: Don't I have to train also?

Aizawa: I'll train you while we patrol

Katsuki grew furious as he saw Izuku receive special treatment before the two went to patrol Izuku made six clones and spread them out covering more ground as the Pussy cats saw this they understood why he was taking Izuku to patrol a perimeter of the camp as the 8 members of the patrol team set out everyone was doing their training the real Izuku and Aizawa began to talk.

Aizawa: So Midoriya any thoughts of what you might do if Yaoyorozu is pregnant?

Izuku: to be honest id ask her to leave the hero work to me if that's the case I wouldn't want her to get injured I couldn't live with the guilt if something happens to her.

Aizawa: You're becoming a man if you advise please feel free to call me at my cellphone.

During the patrol Izuku and Aizawa were becoming friends even though the age Gap was different. As the clones regrouped with Aizawa and Izuku had commanded his clones to wait in certain areas to keep an eye out for any activity. When Izuku and Aizawa returned they see a small child with Mandalay and she said that was her nephew Kota and he had a bad scowl on his face since he lost his parents who were heroes.

As Izuku approached him he as he knelt down to meet his eyes and introduced himself

Izuku: I'm Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you.

Before he could get a response from the kid he cocked back his fist and punched Izuku straight in the groin and he fell to the ground in pain as Kota left to his secret hideaway Izuku got up and made a clone to follow him to make sure he would be protected and so the afternoon had gone bye in the blink of an eye and everyone exhausted from training Izuku decided to cook the meals for everyone since he was patrolling with Aizawa and as the food was ready the moment everyone took a bite they felt rejuvenated after dinner came shower time then a special test of courage was held to lighten the spirit of the students  Izuku and Aizawa were outside along with class 1-B's teacher keeping the lodge safe everything seemed quiet too quiet.

(Events of the ambush on the camp cannon )

While the students were attack by the league of villains vanguard Pixi-bob had been knocked out unconscious and rag doll had gone M

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While the students were attack by the league of villains vanguard Pixi-bob had been knocked out unconscious and rag doll had gone M.I.A as Izuku's clones had stayed around the perimeter it was easy to counter the attack but little did Izuku know his Wives Momo, Ochako and Jiro were still in the forest Mina And Toru didn't enter the forest yet and So Izuku began to worry it wasn't until a student from class 1-B was carrying Momo and right behind them was a Nomu

As he saw the guy carrying Momo to safety while having a Nomu right on his ass Izuku grew Angy and as the guy slammed into Izuku's chest he said my name is "Yosetsu Awase please help" in a furious tone Izuku yelled DARK VOID!!!!!  As a portal of a...

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As he saw the guy carrying Momo to safety while having a Nomu right on his ass Izuku grew Angy and as the guy slammed into Izuku's chest he said my name is "Yosetsu Awase please help" in a furious tone Izuku yelled DARK VOID!!!!!  As a portal of a dark dimension opened up and the Nomu was sucked inside burning by black fire the villain sludge still trapped in that darkvoid.

As the Nomu was taken care of Izuku approached Awase and told him he'd be in charge of Momo and so he took her inside the lodge and had Mina and Toru watch over her. Izuku flew off to see if anyone needed rescuing it wasn't until Mandalay sent a message telepathically asking if they've seen Kota it wasn't until Izuku sensed his clone to where Kota had been
followed to.

Kota came face to face with the villain who killed his parents it was none other than Muscular before he laid a hand on Kota Izuku flew into the villians chest forcing him back this infuriated Muscular and charged at Izuku but little did he expect Izuku to Open DarkVoid right in front of him so the villian count inside the darkvoid became 3.

As Izuku picked Kota up and flew him back to the lodge he contacted Mandalay and told her he was safe.  When he got back to camp he let Kota down and rushed to find Ochako and Jiro he saw Ochako fighting a psycho girl with a sailor uniform as Ochako was at a distance another villain appeared and told the girl "Toga we're leaving we have what we came for"

The villains began to retreat and  Izuku was confused as to what they were looking for as he asked the villain

Izuku: What were you looking for?

Toga: Not what but who and we were looking for Katsuki Bakugou

As that name left her mouth she faded into a portal and the forest was set a blaze he then found Jiro near by she was unconscious when the ambulance and police showed up a majority of the students were injured.
What bothered Izuku was why they were after bakugou

(Sorry for the delay in update hope you all enjoy it until the next time)

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