Chapter Thirteen

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You found yourself stepping out of the jet hours later.

There you were, in the same country that you had been in centuries prior. You remembered Paris, the streets flooded with the poor and those locked away with debt.

Jacques and Michael popped in your mind and you momentarily had to stop so you wouldn't be ill.

"You alright?"

You turned to look at Logan and nodded. "Yeah, just some bad memories. That's all. We should get going."

You didn't feel like reminiscing so you took the first exit out of the conversation, but you were immediately dragged into another.

"Y/N, I need your assistance. You speak French, don't you?" You nodded at Charles and he dragged you towards a payphone. "I need you to call a company and request a rental car for this evening."

You smiled and gave him a thumbs up, taking the chance to show off your knowledge. "You got it."

You turned towards the phone and lifted your finger up towards yourself, bringing a coin to hit the sensor on the inside of the box so you could make a call.

"Bonjour, opérateur, pourriez-vous me connecter avec une location de voiture?"

As you waited for an answer, you looked at the boys. Erik, Logan, and Hank looked fairly impressed but Charles was unreadable. Finally, you were connected.

"Ah, oui, bonjour. Je vous ai entendu louer des voitures. . . Avez-vous des voitures noires qui pourraient contenir cinq? Oui, je vais attendre." You waited for the worker to see if there were any cars like you had requested. Luckily, they did. "Je vous remercie! Nous allons le ramasser et payer en espèces. Bonne journée."

With that, you hung up the phone and turned to the boys. "It's a bit of a walk, but we have a car." You turned to the professor. "It would be best to pay in cash so they can't trace us."

"Good idea. Let's get to it."


More time had passed, and you found yourself sitting in the back of a black car with Logan and Hank.

Upon arrival to the Peace Accords, security had been a little weak. Only two barely armed guards came up to see your identifications, but Erik had taken the toll gate out of place and slammed it against the two. Charles drove on through, his mind set.

Security had lacked even more once you were inside the center where the treaty would be signed. Erik, Charles, Logan, and even Hank were managing to walk up a stairwell quietly, but you were struggling. Your boots made little clicks with each step and you wondered how they had mastered silent strides so easily.

The closer you had got to the signing room, the more vivid and distinct Raven's voice was getting. Part of you yearned to greet her like you would have eleven years prior, but you knew that she was not the same innocent girl you had known before.

"End of the hallway, right door; that's where they are," you whispered.

It felt as if Erik had ignored you by his harsh and quick stride, but he had gotten it.

Yourself, Logan, Charles, and Hank had gotten in the room after Erik, but by the time you were there, a young military man named Stryker was laying in the floor, groaning, convulsing. Looking at him, your stomach flipped. You took a step back, everything about you screaming for you to run, but you just stared down at him.

With your sudden fear, you didn't even notice Bolivar Trask hiding out in the corner, holding his mutant tracker which was going berserk.

Men were laying on the floor, surrounding the table where Raven, no, Mystique, sat. A gun was gripped in her hands as she caught her breath.

Lasting Premonition- Charles Xavier X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now