Chapter Eleven

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Suddenly the year was 2030, you weren't in the picture, but just as you had envisioned, but it was past where your vision ended.

Crowded in the group were about five people, most standing, but Charles sat despite his comrades. They were at a trying moment where they had to strategise, although it felt like they were backed into a corner.

There were only so many people left, yet the Sentinels were everlasting. They couldn't afford to lose anymore, yet there seemed to be no way to avoid it. They considered sending Bishop, the energy harnessing man, back a mere few days to give warning, but would it truly change anything?

That was until Charles had come up with a plan of great risk, but if it worked, success would be worth it. If not, then Charles would demise. He shared the idea with his eldest friend, Erik.

"That just might work, Charles." Magneto had showed his approval, yet his eyes stayed squinted in contemplation as Kitty stared at the old pair, brimming with curiosity.

"What might work?"

The professor stayed quiet for a moment, carefully planning his words. "The Sentinel's programs were originally conceived by Dr. Bolivar Trask; in the early seventies he was one of the world's leading weapons designers, but covertly he had begun experimenting on mutants, using their gifts to fuel his own research. There was one mutant who had discovered what he was doing."

Erik began, "a mutant with the ability to transform herself into anyone."

Colossus immediately knew would we were speaking of and uttered that cursed name, "Mystique."

He said it with full confidence as Charles' mind dwelled on her. He couldn't help but speak with sorrow filling his words like a flood wall no longer holding back the current.

"I knew her as Raven. We met when we were children, grew up together. She was like a sister to me. I tried to help her, but only succeeded in driving her away."

Erik, full well knowing he was a large part of that, had gave his dear friend a look of sympathy and regret. Charles promptly ignored it and continued with his story.

"She hunted Trask around the world and during the Paris Peace Accords of 1973, after the Vietnam War, she found Trask and killed him. It was the first time she killed."

Everyone in the room heard Logan scoff, "it wasn't her last."

Kitty undoubtedly thought it was harsh for Logan to say, but Charles understood and took nothing by it. Although he did move to try and make a point.

"But killing Trask did not have the outcome she expected. It only persuaded the government of the need of the program. They captured her that day, tortured her, experimented on her. In her DNA they discovered the secrets to her power of transformation. It gave them the key to create weapons that could adapt to any mutant power. And in less than fifty years, the machines that have destroyed so many of our kind were created. But it all started that day in 1973, the day she first killed. The day she truly became Mystique."

The room's air was thick and quiet. Then Kitty spoke up, "you want to go back there." There was no question, she knew what Charles wanted to do.

So, he immediately responded, "if I can get to her, stop the assassination, keep her out of their hands, then we can stop the Sentinels from ever being born."

Erik actually looked slightly impressed at the seemingly perfect solution. "And end this war before it even begins."

Charles nodded at his statement as others in the room began to glance at each other to see what the group as a whole thought of the idea.

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