Chapter Twelve

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Charles. The name had left your lips easier than any breath you had ever taken in. A brief few images flashed in your mind; you knew that man, but couldn't remember all that well.

Although your body seemed to know it all as your feet carried you over to him, dropping to the floor with him, wrapping your arms around his fragile being, and burying your head in his neck. The smell of familiarity with the hints of scotch and paper.

Charles had wrapped his arm around you, pulling you as close as possible while you stroked his hair.

The warmth of tears seemed to fall across his cheeks and his eyes grew heavy. "Y/N... Oh Y/N..."

He thought about how he had long thought you were dead. He thought about the countless searches he had done for you nearly a decade before. He thought about how in your honor, in the garden he had planted blue orchids that he often watered even after eleven years.

You thought about how right it was to be held in his arms. You thought about the few memories you had just gotten of meeting him, knowing him. You thought about how much, or more like how little, you remembered of him.

Charles let go despite how much he just wanted to hold on. His legs were a puddle on the floor as he looked into your eyes, filled with tears just as his own. "I thought you were dead. All this time, I thought you were dead. Where were you?"

The way his voice had cracked had sent a chill down your spine as you took one of his hands between yours. Looking away from him, you explained.

"I remember being at the facility in Virginia and chaos beginning. When Shaw arrived, I tried to raise all of the broken glass around us to ward him off, but Angel told me to stop. I didn't, so Azazel got me, threatened to slit my throat." You took a deep breath, trying not to think about it too much. "Then I ended up in a submarine with Shaw. My abilities were nullified, I couldn't do anything. He interrogated me, and in the end, he took my memory away with a bullet.

"I woke up in a ship after that. I don't know how I survived, but I did. The ship sunk and I was pulled onto an American vessel. Then I saw you. I saw you fall, I heard your cries, and I tried to get to you but it was too late. So for a short while, I lived in Cuba, but then I came here. I found a house down the street, and every week since, I drove by this place, wondering what it was. I remembered things slowly. First, Alex. Then Angel, Darwin, Sean, Erik and Raven, and Hank."

Charles latched onto you again. You knew him. You knew you did, but you just couldn't remember no matter how natural it felt to be there.

Feeling guilty, you took his arms off of you and grabbed them while you stood, dragging him onto his feet. You both turned to Logan who had just mouthed, "Wow," before going back to the original topic.

"So does anyone have a plan?"

Charles immediately heated up. "Are you telling me that you don't have a plan?"

"Listen pal," Logan pointed at him, "I didn't get a lot of time to plan this since all of my friends in my time, including your ungrateful ass, are about to die."

You stepped between the two and noticed that the third man was missing. "Hank?" You called it out, but he was no where to be seen.

You sighed as Logan and Charles quietly yipped at each other like dogs who couldn't shut their mouths.

That was when Hank came jogging into the room, rolls of paper in his arms. "Charles, we're going to need some table space in your study."

It was about five minutes later that Hank was rolling out what appeared to be blue prints.

Lasting Premonition- Charles Xavier X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now