Chapter Ten

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After ten or so minutes, he spoke, his eyes unmoving from the road, "so Miss L/N, what are your mutations, if you don't mind me asking?"

Just looking at him sent a shiver down your spine. You just knew that if you didn't tell him everything, the consequences would be dire. At the same time, every part of you was screaming not to tell him.

"I'm immortal, that includes my power of regeneration, and I'm also telekinetic. No one knew that I was telekinetic until my recent appearance at a rally where I was shot. Then I stopped the bullets from hitting seven humans and a pair of mutant twins. Not the way that I had planned on revealing that."

He nodded his head. "That makes sense." You agreed, also nodding, and the car was back to silence. At least until another five or so minutes passed.

"So Colonel Stryker, sir, what exactly do you do?"

You figured if you were going to be traveling with that man to your destination, wherever that was, you deserved a little more information about the whole situation.

With his eyes locked on the road he spoke with great diction. "I work at a research facility in Canada; it specializes in mutants. We research them, prove that they are friendly to the human race with the data we collect, and send the mutants back home. Whenever I make a trip to D.C., I always stop by the prisons to see if there are any mutants. If so they come with me and serve out their sentence."

It all seemed fair enough. It would be better helping people out for your whole prison sentence than just sitting in a cell 24/7. It of course became silent again as you noticed that he was driving in the direction of an airport. "Excuse me, Colonel Stryker, why are we heading towards an airport?"

Nothing about his facial expression changed as he heard your question and answered it. "As I said, I work in a research center in Canada."

At that point panic mode had already kicked in. "What about all of my clothes and belongings?"

Once again his eyes stayed exactly the same. "No need to worry about that."

Despite his words that panic remained, along with that panic was uncertainty. Your day up to that point had given you the right to be suspicious, but hearing you would go across the border bubbled fear in your chest.

It was even more alarming as he turned away from the main entrance of airport and drove to a gated as well as fenced path.

Said path led to a toll booth, or at least something similar. Stryker pulled up and you couldn't see the person in the booth, but without a word they let you through.

You closed your eyes for a moment to breathe. You couldn't lose your cool.

Your eyes opened once again as the car stopped and the purr of the engine died away. Sitting before you was a passenger jet.

You reminded yourself to breathe considering the last one you had been on had led to a psychological hell. So, when he got out you took one last breath and followed. He stepped to the back of the car. He grabbed a suitcase which looked like your own before gesturing you to the plane.

You walked in without question and took a short look around. The walls were a pleasant cream color, leather seats to match, and all of the wood finishing was a darker shade. It could sit about twelve people too. It was nice.

You went to the seat farthest back in hopes of gathering your thoughts. First off, you were actually going to Canada. Where in Canada? Part of you wondered if it would be in Ontario, close to where you used to live. The chances of course weren't high, but if it could just happen, if you could just see your old home, maybe you would be just the smallest bit happy.

Lasting Premonition- Charles Xavier X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now