Chapter Nine

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By the time your tears stopped coming, it was well into the night. You shivered as your friend watched on.

Eurya knew that you wanted that formula, you wanted to live a life with restrictions, but she had never imagined you finally hitting your breaking point once it couldn't be found.

You became unresponsive so Eurya just dragged you up and got you into the car as you stared dead ahead. She had to be strong for you, so she wouldn't cry. She refused to.

At some point in the ride, your eyes fluttered shut and they didn't open again until the next morning.

Even when your eyes pulled open to see sunlight glittering across the deep ebony floor, you still felt blank.

You dragged yourself from the mound of lavender silk that was thrown over your frame. In the shower, you let the water just run as you occasionally moved to clean yourself. Almost like a machine, you pulled on army green hiking shorts with a creamy olive green tank top to match. Pulling on your boots, you headed downstairs towards the living room.

Eurya was sitting on the couch, cuddled up to Tuge as each of them had a mug of coffee. Eurya had a granola bar too as they sat there and watched the news.

It took a few long moments, but Eurya noticed you. You had expected her to be sympathetic, but instead she jumped off of the couch, almost spilling her and her husband's coffee in the process.

"Y/N, I know last night was hard, but Tuge told me this morning that my old home is still intact. Apparently, the ground beneath it caved in last week and last night they finished the underground tunnel leading in."

You refused to get your hopes up but you grabbed her wrist, dragging her out to the car. You hopped shotgun while she revved the engine.

"We're going to have to break in."

"I know," you responded, "I've broke into worse."

Eurya just laughed and you two sped to Giza.

Finding the entrance wasn't hard considering police tape was surrounding it and caution signs were everywhere.

Without hesitation, you got out of the car and crossed the tape, and Eurya was ready to follow but you stopped her.

"No, you stay up here. I need you to keep a lookout for any authorities. Plus, if there's a cave in, I can just push all the sand back up with my ability."

She gave you a look of concern but stepped back willingly.

You stared down the pathway, seeing it steadily get narrower and only having wood and stone to support the sand. You took a deep breath and began to climb down.

Your strides were slow, but long. Each step you took, you could feel the whole structure shake, but you managed to convince yourself it was fine.

It had been ten minutes at that point and you heard the yell of your friend from above. "Are you alright?"

You gave a shaky breath and yelled back up, "yeah, I'm almost there." That was almost true. You were only at the halfway point, but you could see the bottom. It had to be another twenty or so feet away.

Then you felt something hit your back and fell the rest of the way down, screaming in the process. Once you landed, you groaned, "fuck." Your body seared with pain, but partially because it was healing itself.

"Y/N!" Eurya yelled. She was worried.

"I'm fine. Just tripped, but I'm at the bottom now." Even from there, you had known she sighed, but she was relieved that you were okay.

Lasting Premonition- Charles Xavier X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now