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8- Somehow, someway, Paul, Simon, Nandos, some irrelevant bitches, etc etc make their way into the story.

So, I'm supposed to be reading a Larry Stylinson story, right? Why the fuck you got Kevin the fucking pigeon up in here? Cuz of Louis? Not in my house. I came here to read about little gay boys frickle frackling.

9- The plot can't keep up with the writer...

The storyline is moving at such a fast pace the writer doesn't know what to fucking do.


So, I'm sitting at my desk writing about cats when I get this idea to write about my one true love, Harry. Then I have this dream about us having intense sex. Wait, this isn't a dream. OMG, Harry's an alien?! I'm a werewolf?! Wtf?!

And you can see here that... Well, yeah...

10. The parents don't care.

Mom, can I spend the night with a random boy you've never met?


Dad, can this random guy and I hang upstairs in my soundproof room with the door shut?

Of course, sweetie.

Mom, can-


Daddy, would you-

That's a-okay!

And then, they cease to fucking exist! Like when she gets kidnapped...

Dad: Have you seen Allison lately?

Mom: No.

Dad: Okay. *smiles*

Like, at least send them a text of:

Yo, homie, wassup? Juss wanna let u kno I'm ok haha lol I ain't dead sure had u fooled #biatch 🐋

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