The Joust

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Francis's point of view
When I woke up on the chaise Mary was laying beside me and Madelyn was laying on my legs. "Mary." I said "What?" She asked "Look." I said "Apparently sleeping in our bed isn't enough." She giggled "Look at poor Charles." She laughed, he was laying with half his body falling off the bed and his mouth was wide open. "I pity his future wife." I laughed "Francis!" She said "What? Would you want to sleep in a bed with me if I slept like that?" I asked "Probably not." She giggled, I looked over at James and he was peacefully sleeping under the covers. "James looks so cute." She smiled. "Do we have to do anything today?" I asked "We have a joust competition that your father put together." She said "A jousting competition? That sounds dreadful." I said "I know, we're not bring the kids." She said "I agree, they can stay with their nanny." I said "Why do we have stay with nanny?" Charles asked "Mommy and I have to go to an event today and we don't think you guys should go." I said "Why not?" James asked "Great, their all up." Mary whispered "Because sweetheart it's not that we don't want to bring you all but you won't like this event." She said "Why not?" Charles asked and came over and sat on my stomach. Ouch. "Because it's not going to be fun, your nanny will play games with you all." I said "Nanny is old and boring." James said "James! That is not nice!" Mary said "It's true!" He said "Why is Madelyn still sleeping?" Charles asked then started shaking her. "No Charles don't!" Mary said "What are you doing?" Madelyn hit him. "Madelyn do not hit your brother!" Mary said "Sorry Mommy." She said, Charles stuck his tongue out at her, she pulled one of his curls "Madelyn! Your mother said no." I said "She said no hitting, I pulled his hair." She said as she crawled onto Mary's lap. "Oh Madelyn." Mary giggled "You know they whole of us sleeping on the chaise was so you guys could sleep in the bed, but now your all over here." I laughed "Your bed isn't very comfortable." Charles said "Yes it is, mommy can I get one like yours?" Madelyn asked "Will you sleep in your own bed then?" I asked "Yes I will." She said "Okay then we will get you a mattress like ours." Mary said "Yay!" She said "Can I get a new bed?" Charles asked "Charles your bed is perfectly fine." I said "So is Madelyn's." He said "Charles just because your sister gets something new doesn't mean you need to get something new too." Mary said, he rolled his eyes. "Come on, I will take you guys to your nanny." I said "Okay Daddy." Madelyn said as I picked her up. "I will be right back." I kissed Marys cheek then walked out with the kids. "Daddy's what's a joust? I heard you and mommy talking about it." Charles said "A joust is like a sword fight on horses." I said "That's sounds fun." James said "It's not fun." I said "Why not?" Charles asked "It's just not, it's very dangerous." I said "I want two boys to joust for me." Madelyn said "You want what?" I laughed "Mommy read me a story once where two princes jouster for the princess, one of the princes was evil and the other was kind and loved the prince, the good prince won and they lived happily ever after." She said "That sounds like a fun story." I smiled "Mommy reads us good stories." James said as we walked into their playroom. "Your grace." She nodded her head. "Hello." I smiled. I can't remember her name to save my life. "Mary and I are going the joust and we didn't want the kids to watch that." I said "Of course, I will watch them." She said "Thank you." I said "Be good, okay?" I said "I will make sure they behave." James said "Thank you James." I laughed "Bye dad." Charles said "I will actually make sure they behave." Madelyn said "Oh my little princess." I smiled "Bye bye daddy, I love you." She said then kissed my cheek "I love you too Madelyn." I said then walked out. I walked back to our chambers, when I walked in Mary was laying in bed. "Mary wake up." I said "Did I fall asleep?" She shot up out of bed. "Mary, it's okay. Lay back down." I said "I just laid down for a second and I dozed off." She said "It's fine, we don't have go get there early." I said "That means you can go back to sleep." I added, she smiled then I laid down next to her. "Madelyn told me she wants to boys to joust for her." I laughed "Joust for her?" She giggled "Yep, she got it from a story you read her." I said "She loves the stories I read her." She said "Don't read her anymore about princes, I don't want her going boy crazy." I said "Francis she's three, she's not going boy crazy." She giggled "You don't know that! You were six when you met me and you loved me." I said "I did not love you." She said "You would always wear your prettiest dresses when you were around me." I said "Your the one who kissed me when we were seven." She said "I couldn't help myself!" I said "If were going to worry about anyone it should be Charles, he is always flirting with the girls." She said "Charles is quite the ladies man." I said "He has four girls kiss his cheek at the ball yesterday." She said "Well he does have his fathers good looks." I said "Your so full of yourself." She pushes my head in my pillow. I jumped on her. "You love my good looks." I said "Your not that good looking." She giggled "Well your the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on." I said "I know." She giggled "Who's full of them self now?" I smiled "Still you." She giggled then kissed me. "I think we need to get up now." I said getting off her. "No, I don't think we should." She said pushing me down on the bed and laying on me. "Just a few more minutes." I said stroking her hair. "Hm okay." She said. We eventually got up and got ready. "I would rather not go watch nobles fight each other." Mary said "I know right." I said as we walked onto the jousting field. "Mary!" Henry said then hugged her, Mary widened her eyes at me. "You look so beautiful." He said then put his hands on her but. "Thank you Henry." She said then pulled away from him. "Did he just touch your butt?" I asked "Um yes." She said "That bastard." I said then tried to go talk to him but Mary grabbed my arm. "Francis don't." She said "Mary he can't just get away with that, especially not with you." I said "Francis I know, I know that it's awful how he acts but you can't attack your father with everyone watching." She said "Are you going to be mad at me if I do?" I asked "I'm not going to be mad at you because you just going to be protecting me." She said "Fine I won't say anything. But if he ever does anything like that again I will kill him." I said "Francis don't that say that, just calm down." She said then kissed my cheek and we walked over to our thrones. "Mary come sit next to me." He said "Henry I'm sitting here." Cathrine said. "Then get up." He said "Excuse me?" She asked "Get your ass up." He said "Don't talk to her like that." I said "Francis shut the hell up." He said "Francis don't." Mary whispered then sat next to him. "What the hell is going on with him?" I asked "He's gone completely mad." Cathrine said "He touched Mary." I said "I think he wants her." She said "Here you can sit next to her." She said then I sat down next to Mary, Henry had his hand on her thigh. He started rubbing it up and down. She looked so uncomfortable. He was cheering every time someone got knocked to their death. "I'm going to joust." He said "What?" Cathrine said "I'm doing it for Mary." He said then kissed her cheek, it made me so angry. "I'm so glad we didn't bring the kids." She held my hand "It's okay, I won't let him hurt you." I kissed her cheek, she smiled then we watched the joust. Henry got knocked off his horse. "Oh my God!" Cathrine said "The lance is in his eye." Mary said "Someone help him!" Cathrine shouted.
Later that evening
"Prince Francis your father would like to see you." The servant said "Okay thank you." I said then he walked out. "Mary can you come with me?" I asked "Of course I will." She said "Thank you." I said then we walked to his room. "I will wait outside." She said "Why can't you come in?" I asked "Francis you need to go in alone." She said "Your right." I said then kissed her forehead and walked in. "Francis." He said "Yes?" I asked "Come over here." He said so I did. "I'm dying, I have been for a while." He said "What do you mean?" I asked "I have a disease, there is nothing more the doctors can do. Getting stabbed is just speeding up what will eventually." He said "What's it called?" I asked "syphilis, it makes you go mad." He said "Oh." I said "I'm so sorry." He started crying. "It's okay, I forgive you." I said "You forgive me?" He asked quietly. "Yes." I said "You deserved a better father." He said "You were a good father." I said "No I wasn't." He said "I'm in so much pain" He said "You can go now, I will take care of mom." I said "I'm sorry." He said "It's okay, you will be in peace soon." I said "Thank you Francis, I love you." He said then the life faded out of him. "I love you too." I whispered, a tear fell down my face then I walked out. Everyone started saying "The king is dead, long live king Francis." And bowing. "Francis, I'm so sorry." Mary said, I hugged her tight and put my head in the crease of her neck. "He's gone Mary." I said "I know, I'm sorry." She said stroking my hair. "Lets go to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day." She said, I nodded my head then we walked back to our chambers. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked "No, I don't want to talk." I said then kissed her. "Francis I really don't think this is what we should be going right now, you just went through a lot." She said "Mary this is just want I want right now, I don't want to talk, I don't want to cry I just want you." I said "Okay." She said then kissed me. "Okay." I kissed her.
sorry i have been so bad about updating!!

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