The Bed

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2 days later
Mary's point of view:
Francis and I had spent the last two days in bed. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it. A lot. But I want to do something else. Francis was behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head on my neck while we looked out the window. "You know we could go outside." I said facing him. "We could. But we could have so much more fun in here" he said grinning "I know we could. But I want to go for a walk so you can come if you want or you can lay in bed and pout." I said then sat up. Then he sat next to me "Well I wont leave you alone so I guess I have no choice be to take my wife on a walk" he said smiling "I guess you do" I replied then kissed his cheek. Then we put on some clothes. It didn't take us awhile to get ready at French Court but here we didn't need to impress anyone. Then we walked to the forest. "Mary" he said "Yes" I replied "Do you feel guilty that everyone is at the castle suffering and we're here?" He asked "Yes. I feel terrible. It seems like Tomas has gone on a crazy rampage. I'm scared for my friends lives in the castle." I replied "Same here. But at the same time I don't want to go back and risk your life." He said "I would say we should just wait it out but we can't just do that." I said "What if we raised an army?" He asked "Well that could work but we don't know how many men Tomas has" I replied "But if you want to do that I will stand by your side." I added "I don't deserve you Mary Stuart Valois." He said. I was about to kiss him when we heard shouting coming from the village. "What the hell is that?" He asked "I have no idea" I said then he held my hand and we started walking towards the village. When we got there we saw Tomas walking into a brothel. It looked like he had half the army with him. People were throwing things at him and calling him names. He was getting angry. "Why would he come to a brothel in town? Is he seriously stupid enough to leave the castle?" Francis said "According to Greer he has slept with most of the castle so maybe he got bored. But still leaving the castle with so many men is a bad idea." I said "We might be able to return sooner than we thought" he smiled. I smiled back then heard Tomas yelling. His men were holding down a man who had spit on him. "I am your king! You do not disrespect me like that!" He screamed "The only king I bow to is king Henry" the man said. Then Tomas put his sword through the mans throat. I turned around and buried my head in Francis's chest. He held me close and whispered "Shh your safe. I'm here. He will never hurt your again." He made me feel so safe. "Francis he's not going to stop till he finds us" I said "I will kill him before he can find us ever again" he said. Then Tomas said "These peasants don't deserve our business" Tomas said then rode off on his horse. "Lets go back to the room. We should just stay in there from now on. So if he comes back we will be safe." I said "I agree. But put your cloak over your head just Incase." He said then put his cloak on. "Okay" I replied then put my cloak on then we held hands again and walked back to the inn with our heads down. Then we walked back to our room. "Just try to lay down Mary. Seeing Tomas must have made you upset so try to rest." He said stroking my cheek "Lay with me?" I asked "Always" he replied then laid down with me. "Can you stroke my hair till I fall asleep?" I asked "Of course I will" he said then started stroking my hair. That made me fall asleep immediately. When I woke francis was leaning over me, staring at me. "You know you could have been sleeping this whole time?" I asked smiling "Yes but I would rather watch you sleep" he replied "creep" I giggled "Oh I'm a creep?" He laughed "Well what other kind of people watch people while they sleep?" I asked giggling "People who love other people and want to protect and watch over them." He replied "Oh yeah those kind of people" I smiled stroking his cheek "Yeah those kind" He said then got on top of me "Now Mary Stuart Valois" he said pulling me on to his lap "Let me show you just how much I love you" He said pulling my dress off me "And how much do you love me?" I asked as he laid me down "Very very very much" he said kissing my neck. Then I rolled on top of him. "Well I love you too" I said "Very" I kissed "Very" I kissed him again "Much" I said then kissed him one last time then he sat up and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me "Look how pretty the sunset is" I said pointing at the window "Yes it's almost as pretty as you" he said then rolled on top of me and kissed me. After we made love I feel asleep as usual with my head on Francis's chest and his arms wrapped around me.
French Court
Cathrine's point of view:
I knew Mary and Francis had ran away together and eloped. There was no other explanation. I mean they both disappeared along with a horse. I couldn't blame them. There in love. But I was still mad. Francis has responsibility as a prince and Mary as a queen. And they just left? Tomas had gone absolutely crazy. He held the castle for and week and half and the today he just said 'I'm going to a brothel.' Then left with half his men. And Henry then had enough men by a miracle to re-capture the castle. Right now Tomas was being imprisoned until we got word from his father on what to do. Now Henry and Marie's main goal was to find Mary and Francis. They were madder than me. And some how Marie was still insisting that Mary needs to marry Tomas. She's also crazy. Henry and Marie had insisted on searching every town until we found them. They also insisted I come.
Francis's point of view:
I was asleep when I woke up to people screaming. I opened my eyes and saw my father, my mother, and Mary's mother standing around the bed. "What the hell?" I said "Francis! Mary! Get up now!" Henry yelled "what's going on?" Mary said wiping her eyes "Oh my God. Are you guys naked?" Marie asked "Mary you know how important it is for you to be a virgin when you get married." Cathrine added "I was a virgin when I got married" She said. That was a lie. But I would never tell anyone that. "Get up and get dressed! You two are explaining everything when you get back to the castle!" Henry said "But I thought Tomas took over the castle" Mary said "No I took it back! So just get dressed and get in that God damn carriage!" Henry screamed then walked out. Marie and my mother followed behind him. "There going to murder us" Mary said "I know" I replied "I'm still confused on the fact of how the got the castle back so quickly." I said "Me too" she said climbing out of bed "It's still the middle of the night" Mary rolled her eyes while she got dressed. "Well at least my bed is comfier at court" I smiled while putting my pants on. "That's true. I love your bed. I love to sleep." She giggled "I love you in my bed." I said putting my cloak on. "Do you just love me all the time?" She said smiling then put her arms around my waist "Yes I do" I replied then kissed her. Then we held hands and walked out to the carriage. "Mary your getting it this one" Henry said point to one carriage "And Francis your getting in this one" he pointed to the other one "No I'm getting in the carriage with my wife" I said then walked with Mary over to the carriage and closed the door. "You realize your father is going to kill you" She said "I don't care as long as I spend my last moments with you." I said then pulled her closer to me "Are you scared that you might have to see Tomas daily again?" I asked "No because I know you will be there with me" She said "I'm always here for you" I smiled. She smiled back. "Try to sleep. It's going to be a long ride." I said "You need to sleep too" I said "I will" I replied. I probably wouldn't. I would just watch her. Just looked so peaceful and pretty when she slept. Then she smiled and snuggled next to me. We got as comfortable as we could for trying to sleep in a carriage. When we got to the castle Mary was in a dead sleep. I didn't want to wake her so I picked her up and started walking to my chambers "Francis what do you think your doing?" Marie asked "Um Mary is sleeping and I didn't want to wake her so I picked her up and I'm taking her to my chambers." I said "She's not allowed to sleep in your chambers" she said "She's my wife and there is nothing wrong with her sleeping in my chambers." I said. I saw her roll her eyes. Then I turned and walked to my chambers. When I walked in it felt like forever since I had been there. I was used to a little room now not my huge room. I laid her down in the bed and tucked her under the covers then laid down next to her. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.
Sorry it's been a couple days since I updated!!

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