The Tent

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Mary's point of view
I woke up to Francis kissing my neck. "Mary love wake up." He said "Hmm hello." I smiled "How did you sleep?" He asked "like a baby. What about you?" I asked "I slept wonderful because you were in my arms." He said "Your charming today." I said "I'm always charming for you." He said then kissed me "I just want to stay in bed the whole day." I said "That sounds like fun, but I have something planned for today." He said "Well what is it?" I asked "It is, a surprise!" He said then started sucking my ear lobe. "Francis seriously what is it?" I asked "Can you just be patient for once in your life?" He laughed "No I can not. Now tell me." I giggled "Well all I can tell you is it will involve a  lot of love making." He said "I feel like you could tell me more." I smiled "I feel like I can't." He smiled "I don't like you today." I said "Oh but you were just saying how charming I am." He laughed "I lied." I giggled "Oh you lied? Well then I think you need to be punished." He said then started kissing down my stomach. "Oh and what if I don't want to right now?" I smiled "Oh I think you want to." He said then started tracing my thigh with his fingers. It felt so good. "I'm not having sex with  you until you tell me" I said resisting every urge in my body. "Love just let a surprise be a surprise." He said then started kissing down my neck. "Just give me a little hint then we can." I said "Fine." He said then whispered in my ear, "It's in the woods." Then he started kissing it. "The woods? What the heck." I said "just go with it love." He said "All right Fine." I smiled then kissed him, and he took of my night gown started kissing and touching me everywhere he knows I like. I looked out the window and saw Lola standing there touching her self, as soon as she saw me she moved out of the window. Francis was still under the covers kissing up my leg. "Francis!" I yelled "What's wrong? I'm not hurting you am I?" He said as his heads popped out from u see the covers. "No of course you aren't. It's Lola." I said "What about her?" He asked, he looked confused. "While you were under the covers kissing my leg, she was outside our window touching herself." I said "Oh my god, I am so done with her." He said then got out of the bed a started putting his pants on "Francis where are you going?" I asked "I'm going to confront her." He said putting his shirt on. "And kick her out. She doesn't own this castle, my family does so she can go visit the dungeons." He added "This is not going to go well." I said "Well I don't care, first she practically stalks us and never uses even remotely any manners. And then she's watching us have sex! This is just beyond over the line." He yelled. I pulled one of the sheets over my body and walked over to him. "Francis calm down." I said as I touched his chest. "I know you want to just scream at her and through her in the dungeons, but you can't, we can't be none as the kind of royals that throw anyone who makes them mad in jail." I said "Mary she makes me more than mad." He said "I know, she gives me the same feeling and we can put her in jail if that's what you want to do, but we can't make a big scene out of it." I said "I promise I won't, I just want to protect you from her, she clearly wants to be with me and she won't stop until she is." He said, I hugged him. "I know you just want to protect me and I love you for that, I just don't want anyone to think your cruel." I said "I don't care what anyone thinks but you." He said then kissed me. "Let me get ready then we can go together." I said "Mary, I love you." He said "I love you more." I said "That's not possible." He smiled then kissed me again. And then I quickly put on a simple blue dress and brushed my hair. I went to walk back over to Francis but I tripped and hit my head on the side of the bed which gave a little cut on my cheek. "Mary are you okay?" Francis said running over to me. "I'm fine, it's just a little cut." I said "Do I need to kiss it to make it feel better?" He smiled "Yes I think you do." I giggled then he held my cheek in one hand and kissed my cut. "Better already." I smiled then he helped me up and we walked to the courtyard. "Lola." He yelled "Yes your grace." She said "We're you looking in our chamber window?" He asked "No your grace of course not." She said "So you weren't looking in our chamber window while we were having sex?" I asked "No" she said, her face got red. "Lola is this true?" One of the nobles with her asked "No." She said "How did you even get outside our rooms? There are guards everywhere." I said "Your grace" one of the guards said "Yes" Francis said "Forgive me, but lady Lola said she would uh um sleep with me if I let her past to watch you two." He said "You bastard!" Lola shouted. "Francis I want new guards." I whispered "Oh we're definitely getting new ones." He replied "So you admit Lola?" Francis yelled "Francis I'm sorry, it's just I love you so much and I can take care of you unlike her." She said then spit on me. "You will not disrespect her like that." Francis yelled. "Francis when you you going to see that she's wrong for you. Now I know what you like, I can pleasure you. Unlike her I know things, I have experience." She said "Guards arrest her." Francis yelled, then before they could grab her she ran to me a touch my face. "Did Francis get a little to rough?" She asked "What? No! I slipped." I said "Do seriously think I would hit her?" Francis yelled. "I think your a man with a lot of needs, and when people to fit them it makes you angry. And Mary did perform for you so you punished her." She said "It makes sense." She added. "I would never hit her." He yelled the drew his sword. I stood in front of it. "Francis, Francis sweetheart calm down." I said. He had never gotten angry at me before, but with other people, especially when they saying things about me it makes him very angry. "Francis look at me, look at me." I said and his eyes met mine then I put my hand on his and lowered the sword. "Take her to the dungeons." I said then the guards walked away with Lola as she screamed and kicked. "Mary I'm so sorry." He said "It's okay, I'm not mad." I said "It's just she started accusing me of hitting in front of everyone, and Mary I, I would never do that." He said "I know you would never." I said then he hugged me and laid his head on my shoulder and put his nose in my hair. "I'm so lucky to have you." He whispered, I continued to brush his hair with my fingers. Everyone was staring. "Francis should we be getting to your surprise?" I asked "Yes." He smiled then we walked back to our chambers. "So what should I wear to this?" I asked "Nothing." He smiled "Oh you wish. But seriously what should I wear?" I asked "Um just I light dress it's hot out." He said "I will just wear this." I said "Okay sounds good." He said then kissed me. "What was that for?" I smiled "It was for being such a great wife." He replied. "Francis I promise I'm not mad." I said "I know I still feel bad for making a scene." He said "Francis don't feel bad." I said then kissed him lightly. "Let's go, I can't hold i this surprise any longer." He said, I smiled then we started to walk down the hall and Francis put a blind fold over me. "Francis what on Gods earth are you doing?" I asked "Well you can't know where we're going, it's needs to a surprise and I know you will peak." He said "Yes I probably would peak." I said then he put his hand on my waist and lead me along the way. It felt like we were outside and then I felt Francis pick me up. "What are you doing now?" I giggled "I'm picking you up so that you don't get an idea where we're going." He said "Is this really so important that I can't walk or see for myself." I giggled "Yes it is." He laughed then kissed my cheek. Then we continued walking further. "Okay we're here." He said. I heard waves crashing. We're at the beach. He lied! Then he set me down and took the blind fold off. I saw a tent with candles and pink flower peddles around the bed. "Francis." I smiled "You didn't need to do all this." I said "Of course I did, I love you and you deserve to be spoiled each and everyday." He said then kissed me. "Francis." I smiled "Yes?" He smiled "You lied, you said it was in the woods." I giggled "Well I didn't lie all the way. Look there are woods over there." He said pointing at least a couple miles away to the woods. "Oh okay." I giggled "I'm sorry I lied, I just had to keep it a surprise." He smiled "You will just have to make it up to me." I giggled then pulled my dress off and ran to the ocean. He quickly follow after me and we played in the ocean and made love until we eventually got out of the ocean and went back to the tent and made love many more times before falling sleep in each other's arms.

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