The Vase

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Mary's point of view
"No greer that's not possible" I said "I don't know Mary. They were attacked and apparently the fought the attackers off but after that Leith and Francis were gone" Greer said also panicking. "Henry did you know about this?" I yelled "Yes. I thought it would be better if you didn't know." He said "Mary guards have been searching non stop for days. We have to call it eventually." Cathrine said "Call it? What is wrong with you? That is your son out there! And I want to know why you two aren't doing everything humanly possible to find him!" I yelled "Mary please calm down. This is not the time to freak out." Henry said "Oh then when his the time to freak out? Huh?" I yelled "I don't know" he said shaking his head. I didn't respond I just stormed out of the room and went to Francis's room. I took one of his shirts that still smelled like him and laid in bed. I started crying so hard. He can't be dead. I love him to much. I don't want it to be over. He is the only person in the whole world that I love and trust completely. He's my everything. I can't lose him. Who would want him dead? Tomas. That bastard! I ran out of the room and went to Tomas's chambers. "You bastard!" I shouted then threw a vase at him. He moved out of the way and the vase shattered on the floor "What the hell!" He shouted "You know what! You ordered the attack on Francis's carriage!" I said "And what if I did? What would you do?" He said "I would kill you! That's exactly what I would do!" I said "Well then lucky for me I didn't kill your precious husband!" He said "Do you really expect me do believe you? You hate Francis! You want him dead so you can marry me!" I said "Yes I hate him and I want him dead but I didn't do this!" He said "You realize you make yourself seem more guilty with every word you speak!" I said then walked out. It wasn't him. If it was he would have been bragging about it. He wouldn't have denied it. He would have taken credit. It couldn't have been Henry. He was cable of a lot of things but he wouldn't have killed Francis. After all he was not only his son but his air. But it could have been Mary. But would she really do that to me? She sees how happy Francis makes me and how much we love each other. Why would she do that to me? I'm her daughter. But this time I couldn't just go accusing her. I had to be careful.
3 days later
"Queen Mary" Nostradamus said "What is it?" I asked "it's Francis" He said then he was interrupted by Cathrine "I will take it from here." She said "Cathrine what's going on?" I asked "It's Francis. Mary they think they found a body." She said clearly trying not to try. "No. No he can't be dead Cathrine. I love him to much he can't be dead." I said crying "I'm sorry Mary." She said "I will kill whoever did this." I said "Mary, I think it was your mother." She said "Really? So do I." I said "She hates Francis. I don't know why." I added "But why would she want to kill him?" She asked "I have no idea. I have been trying to get her to talk for days but she won't say a thing. But maybe because she wants to ruin the alliance with France." I said "But why? France is a good nation to have an alliance with." She said "I know it is. She's mad." I said "I agree. But Mary. We need to go look at the body." She said "Okay" I wiped my tears. Then we walked out to the court yard where the body is. It's covered up by a sheet. Dear God please don't let it be him. I pulled up the sheet and saw a man. but it wasn't Francis "It's not Francis" I smiled. I felt bad smiling over the fact this man wasn't Francis because that's someone's son, maybe someone's husband. or father on that table. But still, It wasn't Francis! I went back inside the castle and made arrangements for Francis and i's new chambers. This gave me hope that he was alive. People think I'm crazy for doing it but I don't care. I decorated them very elegantly. I know Francis will love the room. But now I need to deal with my mother. This time I'm not playing nice. I'm not putting up with her or her games anymore. I went to her chambers and knocked on her door "Yes?" She said as she opened the door I walked past her and stood by the fire. "Marie I know you ordered the attack on Francis so I need you to tell me why." I said "What are you talking about? I would never do that." She said "Really? You hate him!" I shouted "Mary calm down. Do you really think I would kill him?" She asked "Yes I do! Because you hate me just like you hate him and you can't stand seeing me happy with my husband because my father hated you and slept with every other woman in Scotland other than you! Well that wasn't my fault! But my whole life you blamed me! You hated me! I was your daughter and all I wanted was a mother but instead I got you! You hated me and pushed me away since the day I was born! Because of my gender! That wasn't my fault either! Since I was a child I have had a whole nation on my shoulders with no one to help me! And when I finally found something that made me truly happy, something that I loved, you took it from me! How could you to that to your own daughter!" I said "You selfish bitch! I have protected you everyday and you treat me like this? You know what screw it! I did order the killing of your husband. To help you! But again your are your usual ungrateful self! I'm done! And yes I do hate you because your such a failure to me!" She said then turned around and went to the window. I want to kill her. That's awful. My own mother. But she was never a mother to me. As she looked out the window she said "My plan didn't work but I hope your precious Francis is lying some where in some forest dead!" She did not just say that. That bitch. She can insult me all she wants but not Francis. I grabbed the fire pick and hit her over the head. "Tell me where Francis is" I shouted "I don't know but even if I did I would tell you." She said. I hit her again. "Tell me where he his" I said. Then bash and a bunch of guards rushed in. "I heard screaming" he said "help" Marie said. Then bash picked me up from behind "Tell me where he is" I said I kicked and cried. He brought me outside to the hall and set me down "Mary calm down" he said "No I will not. She. She ordered the attack on Francis. She tried to kill him Bash." I said stuttering my words. "Oh Mary. I'm so sorry." He said then hugged me. "Take her to the dungeons" bash said "I am the Queen Regent Of Scotland. You can not lock me up like a animal!" She shouted "Bash what if Francis is dead?" I asked "Mary don't say that. Have hope." He said then I put my head on his chest and started crying.
3 days later
It had been days since I attacked Marie. They were waiting to execute her until they actually found Francis. They are going to find him. But she wouldn't talk. I was laying in our bed wearing Francis's shirt. It smelled like him and it felt like Francis was there with me. It made me feel safe. "Mary" Cathrine burst in "They found Francis" she said "It's him. Not some other person?" I said "No it's him there sure." She said. I jumped out of bed and ran past her "Mary you can't wear a mans shirt in public." She said "I don't care. I can't wait any longer to see him." I said then ran past her. I heard her shout something but I didn't listen. I was wearing under wear but not a corset. And the shirt wasn't see through but it stopped midway on my thighs. People are staring at me but I don't care. I get to see Francis. My Francis. I miss him so much. After I ran almost everywhere I figured out I have no idea where I'm going. Cathrine never told me where he is. "Bash do you know where Francis is?" I asked "Francis is back?" He asked "Yes. But I can't find him." I said "Wait why are you wearing a mans shirt?" He asked "It's Francis's. I wear it when to bed. It helps me sleep." I said. "Mary" I heard Francis say. "Francis" I whispered. I turned around and it was really francis "Francis!" I exclaimed as I ran to him. He didn't have a scratch on him. He picked me up and spun me around. "I missed you so much" I said "So did I" He said. "I love you so much." He said "I love you too. Im sorry I ever let you go alone." I said "My love it's not your fault. You could have never known what was going to happen." He stroked my hair "Don't ever go anywhere with out me again" I said "I won't. I promise. I will be with you for the rest of my life." He said "Can we go back to our chambers? I want to lay in your arms." I said "I want nothing more" he said "But are you wearing my shirt?" He asked smiling "Yes. It made me feel like you were with me." I said. He smiled then kissed me. When walked to our chambers and he put on his night clothes. Then we laid down next to each other. "Can you tell me what happened?" I asked touching his hand. "Yes. It really isn't really that much of a story." He said holding my hand back. "Well I would still like to here. It was a very scary 8 days for me" I said "I'm sorry I scared you like that. But I really tried to get word to you." He said "Just try your best to explain." I said "When our carriage was attacked by Scottish men and Leith and I tried to go find help and we were running towards town when I realized Leith wasn't behind me. So I ran back to the carriage and found him lying on the floor. It looked like someone beat the life out of him. I tried to wake him up but he was unconscious. So picked him up and took him to the nearest physician I could find. He was in a coma for 5 days. I couldn't leave him. As much as I wanted to come to you. I sent so many letters but none of them got to you. I don't know why. The physician said Leith needed to rest so we waited 2 days before we rode back. I'm sorry so sorry I scared you." He said "Francis I'm sorry you had to go through that with Leith. And don't mind me. It's okay. I don't care about anything but your safety." I said "Oh Mary I love you so much" he said "I love you too" I said. Then he kissed me. As we kissed we removed each other's clothes. "I missed touching you every night." He said "I missed you touching me." I said. He smiled then continued touching me and kissing me. I love him so much.
I'm sorry I scared you guys so much with the last chapter!!

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