The Chaise

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Francis's point of view:
Mary insisted I go to the infirmary. I was perfectly fine. She was just worried. Which was sweet. "See I told you everything was fine!" I said "I was just making sure!" She said "Francis I need you to come with me. I have a surprise for you." Henry said. I looked at Mary very confused. "Go. I will wait in your chambers." She smiled "Okay I won't be to long" I said then kissed her cheek. "I would be to sure about that" He said. I gave him a look like 'what the hell'. "I promise I won't be long" I said "I know" she smiled then kissed me lightly on the lips and went back to my chambers. "What do you want?" I asked "It was a surprise like I said two minutes ago." He said then walked down the hall, I followed behind him. When we walked in throne room it was one of my fathers usual parties. Lots of ale. The whores haven't come yet. I hope the don't. The nobles had already had so much to drink the could barley walk. I'm barley half way through my first glass and it's been 3 hours. Then of course the whores came in. The nobles were all touching and kissing them. It's disgusting. Most of them are married. This may just be my opinion but if your engaged or married the only women in your life should be your fiancé or wife. My opinion is not very popular. Then Henry brought one over to me "Francis this is Rosa. She will take very good care of you." He said "Rosa you can go pleasure someone else. I'm a married man" I said scooting away from her "I don't mind that your married" she started touching me "Well I do" I said "Give me five minutes and I promise you won't remember your wife's name." She said getting on my lap and started touching me "Get off me" I pushed her to the ground "What the hell" she said "I told you no" I said then stormed out. I felt like I had cheated on Mary. I told her no but the stupid whore didn't listen. I went to my chambers. I opened the door and saw Mary laying on the couch reading a book. "I'm glad your here. I was so bored." She said running over to me. I didn't respond I just hugged her tightly. "Francis what's wrong?" She touched my chest. "My father wanted me to go to his party and I didn't want to make him even more mad so I did. And my father told one of the whores to come over to me and she touched me and sat on my lap but I pushed her off. Mary I'm so sorry." I said "Francis it's all right" she said in a calm voice. "You didn't do anything nor did you want to and that's what matters." She added "I still feel awful" I said "Well you shouldn't! I know you would never be unfaithful to me." She said "Mary I love you" I said "I love you too" she replied then kissed me. "I never want to be with any women but you" I said. She kissed me very passionately and led me over to the chair. She sat me down and sat on my lap "Did she sit sit like this" she asked "Yes" I replied "And did she touch you like this?" She asked touching my chest "Yes" I said. Then she kissed me. "Did she kiss you like that?" She asked "I didn't let her kiss me at all but you can" I said smiling. She smiled then kissed me. We got cold so we were making out on a chaise next to the fire with nothing but a fur blanket over us. Then my father came in. "What are guys doing?" He asked "What does it look like we're doing?" Mary said "Oh uh um I just wanted to talk to Francis about something" he said "You mean when you tried to give Francis a whore?!" She asked. He looked shocked. "Just get out" I yelled "I'm so sorry" I said "Your fathers actions aren't your fault. It's okay. I'm not mad." She smiled. I smiled back then kissed her.
The next morning
When I woke up I was laying on side with my arm over Mary and my nose was touching her cheek. I absolutely adore her. She's my favorite person in the whole world. I love her so much I can't even put it in words. I still felt bad about last night but she says she's not mad. I believe her but I still feel bad. Then she started to wake up. "Francis" she said smiling. "Mary" I said "I'm cold" she giggled "Well probably because we slept naked on a chaise with one blanket instead of in a warm bed" I replied "Then carry me over to the warm bed" she smiled then bugged her nose against mine. "As my queen commands" I said then wrapped the fur blanket over her and carried her bridal style over to the bed. I laid her down and tucked her under the covers. Then I laid down next to her. Then she laid on top of me and I put my hands on her waist "Are you sure your not mad?" I asked "Francis for the last time the only people I'm mad at is your father and that prostitute." She said "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked again" I said "Francis it's okay. I just want to make it clear I don't blame you and I'm not mad at you" She said softly "I know. I just want you to be happy. Even if it's not with me." I said "Well that would be impossible" she said "Why?" I asked "Because your the only person that can ever make me truly happy" she smiled.
"How did I ever get so lucky to marry you?" I asked stroking her cheek. "Because fate wanted us together." She said "I suppose it did" I smiled then kissed her. "I hope you get pregnant soon." I smiled "So do I." She said. She looked kind of sad when I said that. "What's wrong?" I asked "It's just.. what if I can't get pregnant. I would be failing you." She said. A little tear rolled down her cheek. "Mary, my love, it has only been 2 weeks since we started having sex. I don't expect you to already be pregnant. And if you don't get pregnant you never know it could be because me. I don't know I could have an illness or something. Yes I want children but I can live without them. But I can't live with out you." I said stroking her cheek. She smiled at me. "I don't think you have an illness darling." She said touching my cheek. "I know I was just trying to make you feel better." I said "Thank you for trying" she said "Mary you will get pregnant. If fate put us together then fate will put our child in your stomach. Just give it time." I said "You always know the right thing to say" she said "Is that one of my charming qualities?" I laughed "Yes it is" she giggled then kissed me.
sorry this is short but i wanted to post!!

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