The Dream

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Francis's point of view:
I woke to Mary kicking and screaming. "NO TOMAS PLEASE. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME." She screamed. "Mary it's okay. He's dead. He can never hurt you again." I said hugging her. "I was so scared Francis." She said "I know. I know. It's all over now." I said stroking her hair. "Francis he touched me and he kissed me and he almost." She started crying even more "He almost raped me. What if he did? Then everyone would question whether I'm pregnant with your child or not." She said "We would now it's our child and that's all that matters." I said "I know Francis. I wish that was how it is but that's not how this world works. People have to know our child belongs to you." She said "We'll when our son comes out with blond curls and blue eyes, everyone will know that he's my child." I smiled "And what makes you so sure that he's going to look like you?" She giggled while I wiped her tears. I'm glad I can still make her giggle. "I just know." I replied. She smiled at me. "Try to get some rest my love. You need it." I said "I'm scared to sleep." She said "Why?" I asked "Because I keep having this dream the Tomas comes and again I can't move. And he attacks me." She said "Im sorry Mary that's awful. But you can go to sleep. I will watch over you." I said stroking her cheek. "Thank you." She said then laid her head next my shoulder and fell asleep as I stroked her hair. I couldn't sleep. I was to worried about her. I love her so much. I can't stand to see her in pain. I wish I could take it all away from her and put it on me. But I can't. I laid there and stroked her hair and gazed at her. Before I knew it the sun was coming up. "Can you close the curtains?" Mary asked "You have to come with me. I can't leave your side." I said "I will make an exception." She smiled. "If you say so." I smiled then closed the curtains and went back to bed and laid down next to her. "Did you have another nightmare?" I asked "No" she said. "I'm happy about that love." I said "I am too. Did you sleep at all?" She asked touching the bags under my eyes. "No I was watching over you to make sure you didn't get scared again." I said then she rolled on top of me and hugged me. "Thank you for doing that but you need to get some sleep too." She said "Oh I'll be fine." I said "No you won't! Go to sleep!" She said then put her fingers on my eyes lids and closed them. I started laughing. "I will try to sleep." I said "Promise?" She asked "Promise." I kissed her forehead. She smiled then snuggled next to me. "Thank you for taking care of me last night." She said "I didn't even need to take care of you. You are so strong Mary. You can get through anything." I said "I don't know what I would do without you." She said "Well you'll never have to find out." I said. She smiled then we put our heads next to each other and fell asleep. We were asleep for hours more when my father burst in. "Mary, Francis, you need to get up." He said. I noticed Mary started shaking. "Where do we need to go?" I asked "To the ball room." He said "Okay. You can leave now." I said. He rolled his eyes and walked out. "Mary are you okay? Your shaking." I asked "I'm okay. It's just I get a little bit shaky around men now." She said "Your not shaky around me." I said "Because I'm not scared of you. I feel safe around you." She said "Love who are you scared of?" I asked "Well I'm not scared of anyone. It's just that with what happened with Tomas I'm just a little jumpy and less trusting." She said "I'm so sorry I wasn't there. It's all my fault." I said "Francis don't say that. It's not your fault. I don't blame you at all. You saved me from him. You protected me. You helped me. I love you for that." She said stroking my cheek. "I love you." I replied then kissed her. She started shaking a little at my sudden movement. "I'm sorry. I forgot to ask." I said "Francis" she spoke softly. "You never have to ask to kiss me." She said then kissed me lightly. "I don't want to be treated like a victim. I want you to treat me normally." She said "I'm sorry. I just want to help you." I said "Don't be sorry. I know your just trying to help. And you are." She said. I smiled then kissed her. "Let's just focus on the positive, your pregnant." I smiled "I don't think I can wait 9 months." She giggled "Me either." I smiled. "We need to get ready." I said "Ugh I don't want to get out of bed. Carry me to my closet." She lifted her arms up. "I'm afraid I can't do that." I said "Why not?" She pouted. "Because I'm not supposed to treat it any differently." I said "I'm making an exception. Now carry me." She giggled "As my queen commands." I said then picked her up bridal style and carried her to her closet. "What will my queen wear today?" I asked "Hmm I don't know. Maybe that one?" She pointed to a burgundy dress that covered up everything practically. That wasn't normal for her to wear. I didn't want to point that out. "That's a good one." I said. She smiled then I sat her down. "Can you stand outside?" She asked "Um yes of course." I said "Thank you." She said. I smiled then walked out. I feel awful. She's not even comfortable being naked around me. She will get through this eventually. She's strong. She can do anything. I love her so much and I just want her to be better. I don't care if we never have sex again or I never get to kiss her again. I just want her to be happy. Wait. I have an idea. Then she came back out all ready. "Are you ready?" I asked "Yes." She said "Are you?" She asked "I can just wear this. I never changed last night." I said "Um okay." She giggled then we walked to the throne room with our arms linked. We walked in and sat on a couch next to each other. With all the men in the room staring a her, Mary sat very close to me. I didn't mind. I rubbed her arm up and down with my hand. She smiled at me. Then Henry came and sat on the couch in front of us. "Mary, Francis I would like to apologize for my behavior last night. I should have recognized you were just protecting Mary." He said "Is mother making you say this?" I asked "No your mothers not making me." He said "Francis stop." She whispered "Thank you for your apology Henry." Mary said "Your welcome. Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" He asked "I'm doing better after Francis calmed me down and the baby is fine because he didn't. Um he didn't rape me. So the baby will be fine. I'm going to see the midwife today." She said "I'm glad your all right." He said. Mary smiled then walked over to Greer. "Father I was going to ask you something." I said "What?" He asked "Mary is very shook up after last night. So I was wondering if we could go to the castle on the shore for a month or so. So she can clear her head and get back to herself away from court madness." I said "That sounds like it will be a great way for her to cope." He said "Wait your really letting me go?" I asked "Yes. Son I don't want to fight with you anymore." He said "Uh okay thank you." I said then walked over to Mary. I don't really know how to respond to him. But I'm happy I get to try to help Mary. "Mary may I speak to you in private?" I asked "Um sure. Greer I will be right back." She said then we walked into the hall "Mary I was thinking, maybe we should get away from the castle for a little while. Just to clear our heads." I said "Well where would we go?" She asked "I got my father permission to use the castle on the ocean shore." I said "Really?" She asked "Yes I was surprised too." I said. She smiled then put her forehead against mine. "I would
love to go away with you." She said then hugged me. "Thank you for taking care of me." She whispered in my ear. "I love you so much." She added "I love you too" I replied then kissed her.

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