30: Dressing Room|| Cake♡

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I'm hoping that all you guys can cope with the Cake in this Chapter. {if there is any.}

It All Started With a Dare || Cake
Chapter Thirty: Dressing Room.

|| Luke POV ||

Calum and I make it to the venue before the other two boys, which I thought was weird but didn't comment on it.

"You know I always think how funny it is that you never even noticed Ashton had a crush on you, it was so bloody obvious," Calum says as we make our way to our dressing room.

"Sorry, I'm not as smart as you," I roll my eyes in reply, "I only know so much about relationships." Calum laughs but doesn't press on the matter.

As we pass a dressing room we hear quiet moans and Calum grabs my hand and we start sprinting away, while laughing.

"I bet you it was Louis and Harry," I gasp as we ran into our dressing room and Calum laughs.
"Same, but damn those moans sounded familiar."

I shudder and he laughs again. When we finally calm down enough, Calum goes to sit on the couch and goes onto his phone and I go sit on the couch next to him.

"People tweet so much," Calum mumbles as he continues to scroll through his twitter dash board, "I mean, come on, we have secret accounts, we're not going to read all your spam."

"You're reading it now," I reply easily and he laughs.
"Not reading¸ scrolling."
"Same thing."
"No it's not."
"Yes it is."
"Shut up, Luke," he nudges me and I laugh and push him back.

"Make me," I joke and he glances at my lips.
"May...I kiss you?" he whispers quietly and I nod slightly, and before I can utter a word he crashes into my mouth, like a lion on raw meat.

"That's how you get me to shut up?" I mutter jokily and he nods.
"It worked, did it not?" He asks and I nod shamefully.

Then he goes back to scrolling and I watch him before I gain the courage to ask him something that had been bugging my mind for ages.

"There wasn't a Lucy Hums, was there?"

"Remember at the roller-skating place and-"

"Luke, her name is yours in girl version, come on."

"Yeah, well I had to make sure."
"Like I said, I like you."

At that moment Michael and Ashton walk into the dressing room, sweating.

"Your dick is huge, Ash-"

"Hi?" I interrupt, as a blushing Ashton and a smirking Michael come into the room.

"Hey," Michael answers cheerfully but Ashton turns away and whispers something to Michael before leaving the room.

"Is he going to be pissed at me forever?" I sigh and Calum wraps an arm around my shoulder softly.
"He's going to get something and he's not mad at you," Michael snaps, "he's mad at Calum."

"Go figure," Calum mutters and I smile at him but Michael doesn't.

Michael goes and sits on the other couch and gets comfortably and then he fixes his pants before sighing.

"You alright there, Mikey?" Calum raises his eyebrow at the older boy and Michael winks.

Suddenly something clicks.
The groans.
Michael and Ashton were sweaty when they walked into the room.
Michael's comment as they walked in.
Holy shit.

It All Started With a Dare ♡ CakeWhere stories live. Discover now