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Her feet slipped from bridge in unexpected try of catching her ...
She fell from bridge...
Bt in a nick of second he got hold her hand ...it was Om....

Om saw her on the bridge....he was shocked...if she fall from there....
He ran to her...he knew she must be scared of unfamiliar people...the first thing is he have to get her.....
His mind was only gauri when he is running to her..he saw her jerk on someone tried to catch her and her fall..

He pulls her from falling....
Both fell to the ground...
Bt she is safe...safe in his arms..
She didn't get even a scratch as she fell over om...
They stood like that for some minutes..both couldn't come out of shock for sometime... people were watching them and enquring if they r fine or not....
The shock of chance of losing her for om and shock of unexpected fall for gauri...she was terribly scared...he hugged her tightly as he want to assure himself that she is safe with him... His eyes were tearing up..he kissed her head unknowingly...
She was scared even to open her eyes...he somehow gained his presence of mind...

Om : ri...

As soon as she realised his voice ...she opened her eyes only to see him and snuggled into his arms...

Om : ri...relax...u have nothing...u r safe...

Bt she was not in a mood to listen this...she was crying badly...
He stood up as he realised they were watching up by hundreds of eyes...and made her stand up and worriedly check on her that if she got any hurt...he cupped her face to calm her....she ran to his arms...he got stumbled with her sudden hug..and tightened him with a hug...

G : om...

Om can feel her fear...she was shivering in fear...om too was hell worried for her and had tears...he hugged her tightly...

Om : ri.... relax...

Bt she was not in a mood to listen him..
She was terribly scared..
That crowd..their questions..unexpected fall... everything scared her...
She was crying continuously..
People started to ask him questions...

Om : u can go ..i will handle it..

They agreed and dispersed to their works...
Om tried to broke the hug..bt she tighten her hold on him...

Om : ri..i am here..na...relax..dont worry...i am with u...

She was crying badly in his chest ...his shirt wettened with her tears...
He hugged her tightly that to assure her he wont leave her..his happiness has no bounds..his ri is safe..safe in his arms..
He took her to car..
Bt she was not ready to broke her hug..
He made her drink some water..

G : om...i ..i was scared...

She again cried and hugged him..

Om : i am here with u naa..so don't scare...gud girls don't cry right..

She nodded with a faint smile..he wiped her tears...

G : she said me u r waiting for me here..why didn't u came to take me..i counted till 100 bt u didn't came...i was abt to jump..bt they...

He was shocked on hearing that ridhima brought her here by influencing her by his name..
Afterall he knew she won't go with strangers ..and his name compelled her to go with her...she tried to kill her...his ri..what if he was little late...what if she fell from there..what if he didn't get hold on her... if he lost her..he could have lost her...
He hugged her tightly...

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