- C h a p t e r 46 -

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Ciao Amores,

Here's to the Forty-sixth Installation of Italian Coffee House.


Yeah, I know right. FINALLY!!!

I can't even begin to express to you guys how much it means to me that you've made it this far.

Thank you for sticking around, through the good times and the late updates. I really appreciate you all.

I do so hope that you all delight in this chapter.





Niccolò's Chocolate House

Chapter 46



Over a two week period, my anxiety had dissolved into sudden ourbursts of anger. It's not that my wrath was tailored for any one person, but that it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the growing pangs.

As much as the doctor recommended that we keep stress to a minimum, it had taken some toll on my body. Though not enough to raise any alarms.

The constant weight of three bodies pressing down on my spleen had grown too familiar. Needless to say, enough was enough. I was seriously over this pregnancy gig.

Nicky, being the supportive husband he was, tried his best to help me cope despite my demeanor. Though I admit, he might be a little impressed with me, after the few stunts I've pulled.

What can I say? I guess some people didn't handle pressure well.

Tey had a tendency to tease that I was going to have my hands full with Nicky's children. She might just be on to something if his antics and their activity was any indicator. Worse yet, if his prediction was validated and our babies all turned out to be boys.

I could barely handle Nicky, what would I do with three boys?

Speaking of which, today commenced the thirty-six week benchmark of my pregnancy. We were that much closer to meeting them for the first time.

A day at Tey's turned out to be just what I needed. It was too long since I'd had the pleasure of a visit with The Banks clan. Nicky made sure to pack my hospital bag before I got into Tey's car and she drove me to her place. Well, technically, her mom's.

My life had taken so many crazy turns. I couldn't tell which way was up from down. Nothing was grey. Everything was loud with color, vibrancy, risk and passion. It was crazy for a while there, but now that crazy had taken a nosedive, I could finally breathe so I jumped at the chance to visit.

The Banks were all entertaining in their own right. Tey's mother, Theodora Banks of course leading the gang. Somehow, she managed to raise five children on her own. When Tey was old enough, she took on some of the responsibilities, helping her mother to take care of her younger brothers and sisters.

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